A Night to Be Together

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It's been four months since Sophia passed. It took time but I started to cope. The boys were getting bigger. I was enjoying them and so was Seth. Seth was right about one thing, Sophia would want us to enjoy them. So I was. I was going to make sure I got to enjoy every moment with my boys. With my family. I was back at work for a couple months now. I worked decent hours since I was back. My firm was understanding about their people having families. When I came back in, one of the partners pulled me in and let me know that my long hours would not happen anymore. I tried to fight this as I was already behind from the wedding, honeymoon, then the boys' birth. They also pointed out that years I worked there, I was always a hard worker and the first one to stay late so they knew it was time I put my family first now that I had one. I got home from work one evening and Seth was already home, which was a surprise. I found him on the living room floor playing with the boys. I smiled at this. I leaned on the door frame in the living room. I just watched him as he was doing his Peter Griffin voice and the boys just cracked up at this. I slightly chuckled hearing them laugh. It was adorable. He said in the voice, "What are you boys laughing at? I am trying to have a serious conversation with you."

The boys just laughed. I did too which caught Seth's attention. He looked at me then smiled at me. I said with a smile as I moved towards them, "They seem to love Peter Griffin."

I sat down next to them and he said as he smiled, "Well, he is a fun loving guy."

I smiled at him, then looked down at the boys. Seth then said, "They are getting big so fast." Then he looked at me and said with a smile, "I want more."

I sighed, "You know we can't."

"We will get another surrogate." He quickly said.

"Seth, you remember what it was like when we were looking before. It was a rough process. It only happened cause Sophia offered and I trusted her." I told him.

"Maybe we can ask someone else close to us." He offered.

"No, Seth. After what happened to Sophia, I couldn't. I would be too afraid that..." I couldn't finish it.

Seth seemed to understand what I was getting at. "Okay for the time being no more kids. But maybe one day we can talk about it again."

I sighed. "Maybe. But right now can't we just enjoy the boys."

He smiled at me. "Yeah, we can do that."

Then he said, "Okay, let's get the boys dressed."

I looked at him confused. "Why?"

"I am taking mommy on a date tonight." He said with a smile.

He then picked up Damien and I quickly picked up Christian as I followed. "A date, with the boys?"

He got to the stairs and I walked upstairs. I followed as he said, "No, just us. But they are going to Rachael's."

"Um, Seth, I don't know about that." I was a little concerned.

It's not that I didn't trust Rachael. I was just worried about leaving them with anyone. It took us weeks to find a nanny for when Seth and I were working cause I was so paranoid. I finally had kids and I was so afraid that something might happened to them. Not even on purpose, just accidentally. Seth kept having to remind me that we both needed to work and I needed to relax a little. But I couldn't help it. I worried. We got to the boys' room and he turned to me. "Baby, we need time alone. Since we got back from our honeymoon, we haven't had that. It's just one night. We will drop them off and pick them up in the morning."

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