One Rough Night

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We went upstairs to get dressed as his sister and dad waited downstairs for us. I am thinking this whole thing is funny. Seth isn't though. I keep smiling trying to contain my laughter as I knew he was suffering. I did feel bad but also got amusement out it. More so that his dad walked in on us. I was a bit embarrassed at first cause I was undressed but Seth was more embarrassed. I was getting dressed and I think Seth noticed my smile. He almost growled, "Stop enjoying this."

He was pissed. Kind of a turn on. I just smiled more. "Sorry, babe. Just the situation is funny."

He was dressed at this point and asked me, "So, it is funny that I am all hot and bothered."

I laughed at this as it was. "Yes, actually."

Next thing I knew, he walked up behind me, grabbed him roughly around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He moved his face to my neck and kissed and nipped at my neck. I moaned out as a response. His hands moved from my midsection to my breast. He massaged my breast as he kept kissing me. He kept going and I moaned out again. I was completely turned on at this point. He moved a hand of my breast to my underwear. He moved his hand underneath it and moved his fingers over my clit. I hissed at this. He moved a finger inside me and moved it inside me. I wanted him right then. I went to turn. He gripped my waist with his other hand hard to stop me and said in a deep tone, "No."

To me this made it hotter. He kept going inside me. I wanted a release. I was close. I was gripping his arm and I moaned out, begging for a release. He kept going and I felt on the edge. Then abruptly Seth stopped and said, "If I have to suffer, so do you."

I went to turn to him but he was already heading out the door. I was flushed and pissed now. I finished getting dressed and moved downstairs. Ron smiled. "Well, since you two are decent now. How about dinner?"

Seth asked, "Where do you want to do?"

God, now we are going out with me feeling like this. This was going to be brutal as hell. I was now pissed with Seth for doing that to me. We left and got in the car. His dad and sister road with us. It was quiet. Seth tried to hold my hand as he drove but I moved it away. I couldn't stand him at that moment. Ron noticed. "Uh, how do I go from catching you two almost having sex on the couch to her being pissed at you?"

I didn't say anything. I was too pissed to. Seth said, "Don't worry about it, dad?"

Ron kept quiet after that. The rest of the ride was quiet. We got to the restaurant and got seated. The whole dinner Seth conversant with Rachael and Ron. He at one point put his hand on my leg and I quickly pushed it off. This happened two more time and I did the same thing. The fourth time he did it, I didn't pushed his hand off. I was over fussing with him. He moved it up my thigh close to my womanhood. He rubbed my inner thigh and I got turned on more. He was fucking cruel. I had to do everything in my power to remain calm. It was very difficult. I looked over at him and eyed him. He smirked in response. He was really pissing me off now. He moved his hand away and I really wanted to deck him at this point. He was trying to push me to the brink. I was so frustrated now. Dinner seemed to drag on. It finally was over and I was so hot. I was seeing red at this point. We drove back and I quickly got out of the car to go inside. Wasn't saying shit to anyone. I just wanted to get away from Seth at this point. Ron quickly asked, "Mary, what is going on with you tonight?"

I turned and looked at him then at Seth. He was grinning. Oh, this was pissing me off more that I knew he was enjoying this. I almost yelled, "Why don't you ask your son?"

He looked at Seth and Seth laughed. The more he loved it, the more off the deep end I was going. Seth said in his laughter, "I have no clue."

"Bullshit!" I yelled at him as I walked back towards them. "Don't act like you don't fucking know what you are doing!"

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