A Serious Problem

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Anu's point of view:-

After meeting Venky and his wife. We took the picture with them as Keshav asked him ,he told me that Keshav was really curious about it

we chatted about a little more things and she told that Sanam still talks about me...really?.. and he told me about their new song a which was shot in Suriname and they got really good response after talking to them,

we go to meet the others and I am really happy seeing him here... Some right people are also here..by God's grace .

We went back as Dad continues to meet people and then introduce us like his loving daughters..what an actor!!! well not really. he is one ,Over actor.. and that too really bad.

We sat there and I took a juice from a near by waiter and sipped it slowly.
I have to do anything to pass the time at least I thought as I nodded at the thing which just Dad's Friend said...
and I don't have any clue what he said !!! and I bet Anushka's situation is exactly like mine.

as I look at her sipping her apple juice.. and suddenly I see That man who visited us that day at home coming there and after him​ is walking that person which I really don't want to see .... Shiv, this guy !!!

I remember when he came home.. and we all greet them as Shiv suddenly takes my hand and kisses the back of it and I smile awkwardly at him and he also smiles at me goofily and I instantly pull my hand away from him.. I don't like his touch.

I move a little bit away from him as I tried not to act nervous . Yaa now his place is full filled...Great!!!!as I look around and He suddenly says smiling at me

"You're looking gorgeous today" and I nod at him with a smile as I continue to talk with Anushka but I can feel his eyes on me as I move away from him and suddenly the host invites people to dance .

I ignore it as I look around and sip my juice and suddenly Shiv asks me "Can I have a dance with you?" Giving out his hand to me And I say "Actually.." and dad says "Ya ya sure.."

no please!!!!

I don't like the look on his before I could even say anything he took the glass from my hand and he pulled me towards the stage...God!!!

We reach between the other people who are dancing at the stage and he holds my hand in the required position and he starts the dance.

he swirls me and pulls me back as he rests his chin on my shoulder and I remove it instantly.

I really don't like it... I am trying my best to get away
and he tries to hold me by Waist as I gently remove his hand so that it doesn't seem awkward.

he again pulls me towards him but I stop myself from colliding with him .

Oh Sanam...

Finally the song gets over and I Excuse myself and I go towards the balcony and stood there. I feel tears arising in my eyes.I just don't like it.. it's very different from his touch..

That warm and comfortable touch when he held me... I really miss you but I don't show it... I really don't like anyone else touching me..only you made me feel like that...

as I blinked back the tears and went back to the others.
We talked a little bit but
suddenly I feel someone snaking his arms around my waist and I move away instantly and see Shiv beside me.

Why is he doing this?

I go near Anushka and ask her "Will you go with me...? I need to get fresh air " and she nods but suddenly Mom calls her and she looks at me and I say "I'll go by myself" and she nods and she goes to mom.

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