The First Recording

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Anu's Point of view :-

I wake up as usual after being pulled by Anushka and she makes me sit up and says "Get up now!!!" .

She opens the door and goes out and I'll again As I huff and again lay down with the my blanket and I suddenly hear her about from outside

"Thik Hai so jaa recording toh Hai hi nahi na aaj!!!" (Okay fine then sleep, recording is not today, right?!!!)

I jump out from my bed throwing the blankets around me.
Aree Haan yaar!!! (Oh yeah!!!)

I stumped as I fell down and Anushka comes in as she says "Haan Tannge tod le apni (Ya break your legs)" and I roll my eyes at her and say
"Let get ready" while she sips  her cold coffee and goes out again.... While humming a song....

I go in the washroom while thinking about the recording....
I wish everything will go right...

Anushka's Point of view :-

I go down as I sold my cold coffee while humming my favorite song...

Garmi di tu .... Garmi di tu
Chawwan wargi garmi di tu.
Zindagi Meri Zindagi na si...
Jalde seen nu de gayi sukoon ...
Garmi di tu ...garmi di tu...
Chawwan wargi garmi di tu...

Suddenly I felt a jerk as I look around and see Dad...

I pull my hand back as he smiled while doing his tie as he said
"Well we have got musicians in our house".

I decided to ignore him as I keep my cup on the table and picked up my magazine from the shelf and suddenly mom says

"You are jealous...of their success aren't you?"and he says

"It doesn't matter to me.." as he flipped the pages of his newspaper and suddenly mom says,
"Then stop taunting on them!!!!"

He smiled and took his car keys as he went out murmuring something in his breath.

Anu comes down after a few minutes as mom keeps her coffee on the table and she smiles at her as she sat on the high stool.

She  drinks it silently while looking at her phone and I suddenly ask her " Phone gir gaya tha Kya?"(Did your phone  fell in the room?) And she makes a confused expression while looking at me and she says
And I laugh at her as she says
"Nothing...I was just....."

"Staring at my phone...?" I ask and she says to me "Yaa.." and I snatch the phone from her while she tried not to let it go but it got it.

I I unlocked it with her fingerprint and I see that it's Sanam's pic there on the screen... She looks down and i give her back her cell phone and she takes it quickly.

She suddenly says "I was not...I mean it was opened by mistake..." While i say while standing up from my chair "It's Okay.."

She also stands up and says "okay let's do this!!!" And I say "Yup go for it" she picked up the car keys and went outside as I run into my room to get my ear phones and my guitar for my company.

I look here and there in my room for my phone....
Where is my phone!!!

What will I do with only earphones...?
I say as I throw my sheets here and there and look at the study table and suddenly I hear Anu shouting at me..
What are you doing!!!

I say as I continue my search..
"Looking for my phone.."

She pulls me to stop me as I ask "What are you doing let me..." And she takes out phone from my denim pocket
Oh oh.. It was here?

I look at her as she going me a glare
And I say "Okay then let's go.." and she says "Yaa ya.. You don't forget anything.." as I stick out my tounge at her as I go out and she follows me as i laughed at her reactions.

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