So Suddenly?

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Anu's point of view:-

"Thank you.." I said to the boy who had got tea and coffee for us all and he smiled at me.

I took a sip of it with as I looked at Sanam again and I realize that I have started accepting that I love him and I think I should now..

"Can't you see where are you going!!!"

I snapped out at once as I put the cup down.

"I am really sorry mam" I see that boy trying to apologise to her and she says "You ...Do you even know how much does it cost!!!" Riya barked again at him.

Why is she saying all this? And suddenly Shirley says "Riya I don't think you should say all this"

"Ya Riya... There's no intelligence in talking to small people" Anika says from beside her.

"Small people what do you mean by that?" I say to her as the attention shifts to me.. and I feel her burning gaze on me...

She loves a little bit closer to me as I try not to let her think that.. I am scared in any way..while she spoke while snapping her fingers at me "" and suddenly she looked at Sanam ..."I mean..I guess you're Right?"

I see Anushka's confused face when she heard Anika.
Wow!! Did she just change her colours so fast?

I frown at Sanam as he nods at me assuring me and I sit down my seat.

Suddenly we heard the stage manager called out to SANAM .. and the Fab four stood up actively... and we walked up to them .

I felt someone's gaze on me and I looked at Sanam and I say "All the best..and he said "It's your turn after us" and I nod at him and suddenly we looked at Keshu as he coughed and said "Can I take him...?" And I say "Ya..sure.. you're asking like.." while he laughed at this.

Sanam gave me a soft smile before going and we sat down again ...

I was remembering the songs which were planned...

"Stay away from HIM.." and I turn to my side tugging a few strands beside my ears..

"Excuse Me? Sorry..."
I replied as u looked at her face flaming from anger.

" I said Stay away from Him..." She said while grinding her teeth.

I huffed as I stand up to get away from her as she stood up with me and snapped at me "What are you two.. Trying to do?" And I gave her a "Are you serious" look and I say "I guess I should be asking you this.." and she says "First thing How did Anuahka manage to get Samar ..."

"They love each other.." I say as a matter of fact..." and Samar told it to all of us...and he's mature's his life" she rolled her eyes as she says,

"Well...well I don't think it will last long.. and you..I will saw your you away like a child.." she folded her arms.

"Excuse me...." I was going to answer her when I was pulled back and I say "Anushka didn't you hear what she was saying.. I knew it!!!" And she says,

"Shaant reh na Anu ...I know don't argue with stupid people it's wastage of time.."

We left the room and
She took me to a side..and now we could see them.
I try to want off the argument as I tried to concentrate on the They we're all sitting now and Sanam started with the song..

Aaisa dekha nahi khoobsurat koi
Just jaise ajanta ki Murat koi..

He smiled as he looked at the audience and they hooted  after getting to know this song..

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