Chapter 5

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The following week had its own obstacles.

Last minute housing had to be sorted and that required hours of manual work; to allow for the chopping, sizing and construction of the oak cabins. The wolves scattered in the cliff faces of the steep inclines started work on chipping away into the rock itself. Expanding new caves to accommodate.

Titania had received word of the addition of five packs to her own. One Spanish, two French, one Belgian and one Lithuanian. She was well versed in Gaelic, French and Italian but were unfamiliar with those that were joining her pack for the time being. So, she had picked up some language books from the next town over and had made it a bedtime mission to be able to learn the basics.

She did not want this transition to be more painstaking than it already was.

Currently, she was sat with the little ones of her pack going over some basic French. She had learned that the French, the Bleulune pack, had lost many children to the shift and felt it out of respect to try to make more effort.

The children were at ease with their Alpha.

They recognised her strength and saw, with their own two eyes, how she protected them from the bitter way of life on the mountains. Even though Titania could decapitate, maim and torture mercilessly without remorse, these children did not care, for she gave them the best she could and provided for them as if her own children. So, it was understandable that these children fawned over her. Enthusiastically answering her answers and glowing under the minimal praise received.

Although never admitting it, Titania cared deeply over her pack and tried to strengthen it as much as she could.

From warriors whose iron could defeat army's, to educating and fortifying the community she had spent the last five years of her life with. They were much a part of her as she was of them. Although Titania had never conveyed that, she knew deep down that they meant something more to her. But, emotions were not something she was comfortable showing; but from her dedication to her pack, it was clear she held them close.

"Trés bien Lydia, now can you say hello?" Lydia, closed her left eye in concentration, scrunching up her face.

The group around her rose their hands, knowing such a basic answer. Lydia, being the youngest at only three-years-old, continued to think. Unsure but having inherited the unyielding will of the pack, knew that giving up was not the way and instead; trying and getting the answer incorrect was advised over the cowardice of not trying at all.

Intent on gaining a smile from her superior, Lydia grinned and gave it her best.

"W-w-w-wonjur?" At the look from her Alpha, she tried again.

"Ah... Oh, wait I know I know! Bonjour!"

The children around her clapped and she grinned, teeth missing and all. Titania did not melt at such a look, as many would at such a display of innocence. An innocence Titania had long lost, but she had accepted such a fact.

"Now, who can count to twenty?" She asked, and was once again met with animated hands and excited voices.

The door to the Oak school-house opened and she could sense her higher ranks. They observed, knowing not to disturb her.

Murray, and ten-year-old twin, Marcus, answered simultaneously. It was quite amusing to see twins so in sync at such an age. Correcting their pronunciation of seize, she nodded and her mouth twisted up, pleased at how they were coming along.

In a weeks time, they'd be able to converse with some of the other pack's children- who had experienced deaths of fellow friends and family. Something that was harrowing in its own.

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