Chapter 14

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Wolves helped assist with the arrival of Alpha Brett's pack, the Ash Crescent- as it formed from the volcanic ash found on the Shetland Islands- onto Alpha Titania's lands.

The wolves living with the Ash Crescent followed behind, out of puff from the journey. A week of intensive training and running could only improve someone so much, but it did not work miracles and the wolves could still feel the tell-tale ache that the trek brought deep-set within their bones. At least there was a traditional party to look forward to for their efforts.

The morning was chaotic. Wolves piled in and it took an age for Duskfall, with help from the surrounding Alpha's to house the visitors and even then, many had to share cabins. Large tents made up the difference, allowing the additional hundred and fifty wolves to be housed. Graciously, many of the wild wolves offered to sleep outside to alleviate the pressure on housing, the city wolves, stubbornly refused such a preposterous idea.

Alpha Titania paired the higher ups of the same packs within their own cabins. With difficulty, many complained but with a flash of teeth and lecture about how it was only temporary, many conceded. Not as if anyone would openly defy Titania, not when she had trounced them in fights. Nonetheless, some specific wolves did not learn from such humbling incidents.

"That's most the wolves housed, there's a few left over." Athdara flicked through the papers on her clipboard while huffing a piece of stray hair out her face, "We have a slight issue though Alpha, I've accidentally miscounted and well...... well....."

Titania turned her blue eyes to the teen, "Spit it out Athdara."

"Alpha Brett and two others are the odd ones out, we've split them between you, Eóghan and Garth." She rushed out, not wanting to see the fury that awaited in her Alpha's glacial look.

She was not expecting, however, the resigned sigh from her superior and the tired hand that locked onto her temples. "Assign Alpha Brett with me, we can't have him intimidating the newcomers. Look how well that went two years ago," Athdara nodded, scribbling something down hurriedly.

"Thank you Alpha, I'll see you later at the party!" With that goodbye, she diligently went off, shouting her own orders at the males who were setting up for tonight.

Titania grumbled in response, standing still as the world buzzed around her.

She checked in with Eóghan, Garth and her Border patrollers before strolling off to the gym; needing to occupy herself before the ever-present numbness took over and left her struggling to get out of bed. Slowly but surely, the anguish was making itself known on the outside. Her impassive façade could only hide so much but now the physical effects of rejection had torn her soul to such an extent that her outside reflected that: deep-set eyes embellished with bags that screamed fatigue, a deathlike pallor to her skin and a temper much more deadly than what she was originally recognized for. Overall, a deadly mix.

Releasing some pent up irritation at the world, she threw punches into a punching bag, lifted weights until her muscles roared in protest but didn't stop. Not until she rid herself of the raw memories that assaulted her, her barren heart just a wounded reminder of the very life she had put behind her.

Her first mate, Beta Lucus of a pack in Ireland, had been quite lovely at first. Spoiling her like she was more than just sixteen and instead, made her feel like a grown woman. That was before the green-eyed monster, one of three beasts that haunted her switched and emotionally abused her until she was as a mindless as a sheep, following his every order. Following every comment about her clothes, her hair, her body until she no longer recognized herself when looking at her own reflection.

This wasn't Titania, yet she saw the male as her bondmate and treasured him even when he proved that he was not worth her in the slightest. Lucus manipulated her. Using her nativity, innocence, and purity to his advantage.

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