Chapter 33

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"Yes, they have search parties for her every day."

Athdara put her hand over her phone in a hushed manner as she locked the bathroom door. She could never be too careful. "The East side of the territory is the main focus."

She listened to the gruff voice over the phone. "Yes, there's been sightings... Okay, I will, bye."

She sat on the porcelain bowl and sighed deeply. Her soul ached due to her actions within Duskfall, seeing as a wolf to commit such treason against her own pack was unforgivable. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and ever since Alpha Jared got lost in his revenge against Alpha Titania, many innocent wolves got dragged into the carnage; her adopted family included.

Athdara flattened her hair with her hands, straightened her blouse and splashed water on her face before giving herself a quick pep talk that got her through every day, her own wolf and mind disgusted at being a snitch. There is no other choice, she reasoned.

She hid her phone behind a slack piece of wood inside her en-suite wall, which had become her typical routine for the past few months and made her way to the kitchen. Blending in was easy for her, especially with such hustle bustle. Being inconspicuous was her trait. It was her mode of survival, however pitiful it seemed. She was still alive and so was her family. That was all that mattered.

Eóghan couldn't believe what he was hearing over the phone, which surprisingly remained in one piece enclosed in his grip. "You've got to be kidding me, Elder Talon."

Garth and Argus glanced up from the map they were studying as Eóghan's tone and mention of the Elder Council had their curiosity peaked. Now was not the time to allow more things for them to juggle.

"We are dealing with the current situation," He said through clenched teeth, "but little can be done since it's winter." But excuses were not the Council's forte, and right now, while relaxing in their chambers somewhere out of harm and one of the bitterest winters in the past five years, they were demanding results. Results Eóghan did not want to hear nor could carry out.

Leaders with no concept of what was going on outside their own personal bubbles.

The line on the other end vibrated with Elder Talon's voice and Eóghan's face remained stoic, but Garth could see his friend's torment. It may have laid underneath the surface but to him it was clear as day.

"Duskfall is hunting her down as we speak. As you are calling me from a number in Spain, I assume you're enjoying yourself while we, as in the packs that you've left behind, are fighting for survival from the cold. I hope your search to find out what is happening in the lowlands is successful soon. Good day, Elder Talon."

The phone slammed down and the room held silence for a tense minute. The two males not knowing what to say. Eóghan had started to shift, but after a couple of harsh breaths, he and his wolf calmed. His wolf was angered by such ignorance from their supposed superiors, yet while he may have disagreed with their ideas, challenging them was not an option.

Thus, he had to accept that while the three Elders relaxed on whatever break they had taken, they did not have any pack specific associations and therefore, could live wherever they desired. Unjust, perhaps, but it was reality.

"Well..." Argus began, "not good news I assume?"

"When is it ever good news?"

Deflated and enraged, Eóghan paced back and forward, dragging a hand through his untamed tresses. Argus didn't press the wolf, mostly because he valued his life but also because werewolf hearing meant he already heard the majority of the conversation. The Elders were quick to point fingers and give commands but were lacking when it came to actual leadership.

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