Chapter 9

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Today marked the day of the second week since the Elder ceremony: the day the five packs made Titania's territory their home.

The pack was alight with a cheerful atmosphere. It was sure that mates would be found and strong friendships could be forged. For the Duskfall pack kept themselves to themselves so when packs, from four different countries: Spain, Belgium, Lithuania and France, were travelling to their lands, it was sure to create a change that everybody, surprisingly, welcomed.

Not much was said to the ones giving up their more Human lifestyles near the cities, to now live part of their lives surrounded by nature. A drastic change, but a necessary one. Titania hoped, for the pack's sake, that the wolves tempers from the meeting two weeks prior had calmed. Right now, alongside her current temperament, she was in no mood to babysit and would talk to the Alphas as soon as they were settled: to ensure they understood her rules.

The Highlands were unforgiving and she refused to lose any wolves to Mother Nature. She'd lost too many already.

Her pack of forty-five scrambled to pull vegetables for dinner, prepare the remaining houses and generally tidy up. The Duskfall pack were prideful wolves, striving to reach their best and they were out to impress. Which they would, with their trimmed grasses, clean windows and fresh hides hung out in the muggy weather of the day.

The pack was alive and with everything according to plan, Titania and her warriors had continued with their training. Not before she gave orders to the others, much still had to be done and she refused to give the other packs anything to grumble about. She had new appliances installed and as soon as the packs arrived she'd compile a list of food items that would be purchased from the next town, two hours away.

Titania had thought through every aspect of this day, and the following weeks of the best route to maintaining the best for her pack and others alike. As winter was just around the corner.

A small red headed warrior made her way to Titania during training. Titania recognised her as one of the regular border patrollers, if she could recall correctly she was one of the few that could scale the treacherous mountain range on the south side.

"Alpha we have wolves coming from the south. Should I redirect them?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side.

Titania had encouraged strategic thinking within her wolves from a young age. What kind of Alpha would she be to bark orders and not bring about empirical thinking of their own? It made things easier when her wolves were sharp.

She nodded to the small wolf, "Please Laura, inform Carlton and bring them from the east. Don't want them tackling terrain that's out of their current skill level."

It was not meant to offend. It took months of hard training to be able to survive such hard lands. Titania did not expect that from her new arrivals who originated from completely different climates and land alike.

"I shall Alpha." She hesitated momentarily, eying the sparring rings, "Perhaps a spar later?" Noticing Titania's tired eyes she reworded her previous request, "A run instead?"

"That would be nice, I'm assuming south side?"

The warrior grinned, loving that her Alpha would spend time running her most favourite tracks along the mountains steep slopes. Laura loved the challenge and feeling the nippy winds, lack of oxygen and bitter cold made running that much more exciting. She even had her house situated on the mountain side, her cave was her saviour.

"Aye of course! Catch you after dinner Alpha!" She shouted, dashing back to her patrol.

Nathan watched from the sidelines of the Duskfall pack. Its members distracted from the importance of today that many didn't notice him slinking about. He had been in his cabin for two full days and had tried to escape three times. Each time, Alpha Titania had come after him, eyes tinted with disappointment. But, she did not speak a word. Simply caught him and did what she promised she would: drag him back.

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