Chapter 27

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Unsettled by Brett's phone call, Eóghan called Angus, Athdara, and Lucy to his office. It was still technically Titania's but as the month went by, he had adopted it as his own for the time being.

 The wolves were the only ones he could somewhat trust and they each had the skills needed to help aid his leadership in managing Duskfall through this hardship. Garth was the passionate Gamma, Angus the strategist, Athdara the organiser and Lucy, the one that had most recently spent time with Titania and actually understood what the woman was going through.

Laying untouched on the main table was a map of Scotland and its wolf and Human settlements. Garth sat legs spread on the sofa, face blank as the others took their seats in different spaces around the room. While Lucy and Angus took their places, Athdara stood by the door uncomfortably.

Drenched in sweat and blood, Lucy broke the eery atmosphere of the office. Inspecting a healing cut on her arm from her spar with a French Gamma she said, "you interrupted me in the middle of my training, this better not be a casual gossip session."

Athdara's head snapped at such disrespect, but Eóghan let it slide. Titania had mentored her and her influence was coming through clear as day. The fact Lucy was still sane was an achievement and Eóghan did not want to hinder that when she was becoming such a strong wolf.

"As if I'd waste my time sitting around, braiding hair and playing dress-up." Quipped Angus, throwing a scowling Lucy a cheeky wink.

Garth sat motionless while Athdara fidgeted with the rings on her fingers. Surrounded by such dominant wolves made her own on edge. She was below them all, apart from Lucy and she queried why she was in a clearly confidential conversation with the high rankers.

Lucy sent the middle finger to the cheery head warrior, who simply boomed. "Beta, what's happening?" Noticing that Eóghan and Garth seemed to be deep in thought and not jesting, she quickly caught on that something was amiss.

"And why am I here?" Athdara added.

"Take a seat, Athdara." She did as she was told, the room descending into silence as the Beta male addressed them all. "Make sure all the doors and windows are closed, what I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential," He saw Athdara's confused face and clarified, "Athdara you're meant to be here, just lock the windows and I'll elaborate."

She nodded, "Yes Beta." 

After the room was locked all eyes swiveled to Eóghan's expectantly. "Okay, brother lighten up, whatever news you have can't be that bad." Angus's jolly persona was taking away from the severity of the situation. 

A dark snort came from the sofa, "If you had heard the conversation Eóghan just had with Alpha Brett then you'd think twice about that."

Angus straightened up, forehead creasing. "What phone call?"

This time Eóghan spoke up, already feeling a headache coming on from the stress that being the step-in Alpha caused. "Brett was wondering how the search parties were getting on trying to find Titania..."

A gasp from Athdara and a sharp intake of breath from Lucy could be heard at the mention of their Alpha's name. 

"He wasn't impressed when I told him that we weren't searching, and if we did, we were putting others at risk. But he was still determined, hellbent to find her and bring her back. I didn't expect anything less from him but what caught my attention was the fact Brett mentioned that Alpha Jared was staying with him."

Angus's head flew to Garth. "Alpha Jared of the Rosevelt pack??" Angus couldn't contain the vein pulsing out his forehead, especially when Garth nodded grimly.

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