Chapter 12

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"Alpha you need to rest your wounds! Its only been one day." The Doctor huffed after Titania who was training with the other wolves.

She sent him an unimpressed look. Veins burst out the pack Doctors forehead at the stress Alpha Titania was causing. Daring to stare her down, he pointed a finger at her chest. "Don't you dare give me that look! Alpha or not, I'm the Doctor and I remember confining you to bed-rest alongside Alpha Alfonso."

Turning away from her current opponent her steely gaze met that of the Doctors and while he didn't back down, his eyes flickered with fear. He may stand up to Alpha in terms of her health but he still respected her authority and right now, he was on the receiving end of it.

She wiped her face with a towel, "And there's your problem. Listening to Alpha Alfonso whinge is more detrimental to my health than staying outside in the fresh air and doing something productive."

The wrinkles on his aged face crinkled. Alpha Alfonso's complaints were enough to drive voices into one's head. So, it came to no surprise that the Alpha had chosen to escape over listening to him when his own actions caused the very wounds he wailed about.

"Well, training is only going to tear your stitches open." He told her sternly, "At least take it easy. We can't afford to aggravate the tissue."

The silent warning was clear. Permanent damage could occur and that would leave her unable to be an asset during the hunts, and even impede her ability to run the lands. Leaving her at Death's metaphorical door.

She nodded, respecting the Doctors decision and he released a deep breath. Garth took over her spar with a female warrior, to which her partner was relieved. Motioning to her now soiled bandages he addressed her, "I'll change those and we'll work on toning the muscles in your stomach, otherwise they'll slacken."

"Alright." She followed the old Doctor while he mumbled about herbs and the stupidity of the millennial generation. She kept the wobbling in her walk to a minimum. The pain would never drive her and she let its familiarity flow through, at peace with the stinging sensation.

Many would assume she didn't feel pain. Others knew she had mastered it.

Eóghan sent his Alpha a sideways glance, giving Nathan an open opportunity to attack his distracted stance but he too, found his eyes glued to Titania's retreating figure.

Many had been wary when their Alpha had appeared at training in the morning having passed out from blood loss the afternoon prior. But, she simply ignored the looks with determination through her demeanor as she took up sparring as if the gouge out her stomach meant absolutely nothing. At first glance, her injury was not apparent, but if watching carefully, you could spot the obvious pain it caused her with every twist and turn, every punch and dodge, every plain movement sending her on the verge of passing out once again.

Eóghan shook his head, the scene reminding him of the past, "Nothing's changed. She's still the same hard-headed female since when I first met her."

"How long have you known her?" Nathan bit the hook Eóghan had thrown and the smirk plastered on his face caused Nathan to internally curse.

"Years. Believe it or not, I was an Alpha of a small pack- much like this further north." Nathan listened intently as a deep sense of sombreness took over Eóghan's usual playfulness. "I was pushed into being Alpha and not long after a bitter winter took out the majority of the pack. The guilt never left and if it wasn't for Titania forcing me to come with her then I'd still there... probably dead."

Nathan was shocked. He didn't expect that of Eóghan but could easily sense the strength he spoke about, Alpha blood humming softly through his veins.

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