Chapter 57

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@Team 10 house Sunday

Jake Paul was on his phone checking his email when he saw an email from WWE. He questioned himself on why they would contact him but he finally remembered that he and Anthony and Chance signed up for a competition. He totally forgot about it. The winner gets to go to Raw and one pay per view for free including meting the champions and having 1 as our tour guide.

He was nervous. This email will determine if he won or not. He quickly got his vlog camera and pressed play.

"Okay Jake Paulers. About four months ago Anthony, Chance and myself signed up for a contest for WWE. For those who doesn't know what WWE is, it is world wrestling entertainment and it is very popular. So who ever wins gets to go to Monday Night Raw, I think two of them I believe and the upcoming pay-per-view which is Great Balls of Fire for free. Not only that but we get to meet the champions and have a wrestler as our tour guide." Jake said to his camera with an excited face.

"Team 10 meeting!!! Team 10 meeting!!" Jake yelled as he was still recording.

Kade Speiser, Erika Coastel, Nick Crompton, Anthony Trujillo, Chance Sutton, Tessa Brooks, Emilio and Ivan Martinex, and Chad Tepper made their way to Jake who was looking nervous.

"Man are you okay?" Chad questioned Jake as he wrapped a tattooed arm around Jake. He never seen Jake nervous.

Jake turned to Chance and Anthony and said, "Do you remember the contest we signed in about four months ago?"

"Yea. Why?" Chance said as he wrapped his arm around Tessa.

"I got an email" Jake said and Anthony and Chance ran at Jake and tried to get the phone. Jake pulled away from them and they stopped and stared at the phone.

"Wait what contest?" Erika said Jake's "wife".

"This contest was all about who can entertain people the most and to inspire people in any change to follow your dreams. The winner gets to go to Monday Night Raw, I think two of them I believe and the upcoming pay-per-view which is Great Balls of Fire for free. Not only that but we get to meet the champions and have a wrestler as our tour guide. For free!" Jake yelled. That made everyone excited including Nick.

"Open the email!" Everyone yelled.

Jake took a long breath of air and gave his vlog camera to Kade and slowly opened the email.

"Congratulations you are the winner of the WWE contest. The WWE Board of Directors has seen your videos along with Team 10 and all your contribution to not only your fans and subscribers but to charities as well..." Jake stopped once he heard Anthony scream in delight.

"WE WON! WE WON! I get to see them!" Anthony yelled as he pumped his fists in the air. but then he paused and said, "Wait when do we go?"

Jake looked at the email and quickly scanned through it with Chance and Erika.

"Uhh it says that there will be an airplane waiting for us tomorrow at 5 a.m. It is going to take us to Phoenix, Arizona." Erika read out loud.

Anthony started to run up the stairs and into his room while shouting, "I need to pack!" He closed the door with a bang.

"This is really cool." Tessa said as she read the email as well.

"Actually I cant go." Nick said. That got everybody's attention.

"Ya me too." Kade said.

"Wait why?" Chad said with furrowed eyebrows.

"We have meetings." Nick said as he pointed at himself and Kade who nodded in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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