A Long Awaited Return

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I step out of the car with my sunglasses flipped over my eyes. I adjust my shirt as I stare at the sign over the cabin. E14 is nailed onto the front of the cabin, which is bigger than the last one I remembered. The wood looks new and I let out a sigh as I step onto the porch. Opening the door, I step inside and roll my suite case inside.

The interior of the cabin has way more bunk beds, and indeed would hold about 20 girls. I guess Daisy and Violet were right, the camp has gotten bigger over the last three years. I roll my case to a door at the end of the hallway of bed and open the door. Inside the door, is the original cabin E14, our bunk-beds are still here and the TV and sofas are still in the same place.

"This must be the counselor's room." I say as I turn around and take in a deep breath.

There is only one bed left, the bed I slept on, so I toss my suite case onto it and pull out my phone. I sent Daisy a message about three minutes ago saying I was here, so that means that they should be here in a few seconds.

I look over towards the door and hear thundering footsteps. Standing up, I watch as it swings open and Violet busts through.

"DREW!" She shouts and runs over to me hugging me tightly as Daisy runs through panting. "You are so slow Daisy."

"I don't play sports!" She hisses as she hurried up and hugs me. I hug them both tightly and she looks at me. "So, what do you think of the improvements?"

"It's going to take a little bit to get used to." I say and she chuckles as Violet tosses an arm over my shoulder.

"Wait till you see the Meeting Center!" She says and shakes her head. "I bet Adam and Timothy think we are crazy."

"They know we are crazy." Daisy replies as she smiles at me. "William isn't able to come, so Tim is kinda sticking with Adam."

"How come William isn't coming?" I ask and Violet shrugs as she stretches out her arms.

"No clue. I'm texting Lucy to find out what's going on." Violet answers as I nod and the they hook their arms to mine. "Now, lets go find Abby and Lucy!"

   So, the three of us walk out of the cabin and head down the dirt path. The paths are still the same, the old wooden post sign pointing which stuff is which way. A small detail I somehow looked over before. I follow them as they lead me down a path and down to the volleyball fields. Sitting out in the patch of grass, Abigail and Lucy are playing cards and Daisy takes off tackling Abigail from behind.

   "Abby!" She shouts and Abigail laughs as she hugs her back and Lucy stands up hugging Violet. I stay back a little ways and watch as they talk in hurried excited voices. I can't help but smile remembering the day I had actually began talking to Abigail and Lucy.

   "Oh my god, it can't be." Lucy says and I look over at her as he eyes pierce into me. "Drew?" She asks and Abigail looks over at me as I give a faint wave.

   "Howdy." I say and they jump up tossing their arms around me happily.

   "I can't believe it's really you! Holy crap! You look amazing!" Abigail says as she squeezes my arms. "Look at them muscles!"

   "Daisy told us you were coming, but I didn't believe her!" Lucy says as her big eyes go bigger when she smiles. "Woo hoo the girls are back together!"

   "Hahah! Man Charlie is going to be so happy to see you!" Abigail shouts and my heart instantly jumps into my throat.

  Charlie Andrews, my summer romance at 16, even though I hid my identity from him. The one guy I just can't get out of my head. His wavy blond hair, his gorgeous eyes, his voice smooth like butter, every little detail I I just couldn't get out of my head for the last 3 years. Now, I am here and I'm terrified to even look at him. What has he become now?

   "I haven't even seen the Andrews boys lately." Violet states and crosses her arms over her chest. "Adam said they haven't shown up yet."

   "Oh yes! The ongoing romance of Violet and Adam!" Lucy sings as she throws an arm around Violet. "Your romance is in my story by the way!"

   "Story?" I ask and she nods happily as she pulls out a notebook. "Whoa, your hand writing is so pretty. I write like a donkey."

   "Thank you. It's a story about our first camp experience together!" She says and opens up the pages to the title page. "I haven't really come up with a title yet however."

   "Hmm, maybe one will come to you later on." I say and she nods as she shoves the notebook into her bag and her phone tweets happily.

   "Looks like Tina wants us at the Meeting Center." She says as she picks up her bag and everyone's phones ding and sing, except mine.

   "Yeah I got the message too. I guess it's time to meet the other counselors." Violet says as she nods and we begin climbing up the slope to the dirt road.

   My stomach begins to knot up as we walk along the path and a little ways away sits the Meeting Center which has grown in size. There I would see the boys again, the the very thought of it filled my stomach with dread and butterflies.


   We step inside and I stop looking around at everyone inside the center. A lot of the people I can recall seeing around camp before, but many I don't remember what so ever. I follow Abigail as she leads us to where Ms. Tina is waiting. My hands sweat and I wipe them on my shorts as I take in a deep breath.

   My entire body screams at me to just run away so I won't have to deal with this, but o step forward and she turns just in time to see us. She stares dead at me as the other girls smile at her. She walks forward and squeezes me into a hug like a death grip.

   "DREW!" She bawls and I pat her back as it gets harder and harder to breath. "I can't believe it's really you!" She pulls back peering at my face and I stare at her. "I have all my little ducks back!"

   "Ducks?" I ask and she nods as she hugs me once again and Abigail pulls her off of me. "Where are the boys?" She asks happily and Ms. Tina shakes her head as she stands on her tippy toes.

   "No idea, I texted Kenny. It appears that Charlie and Dean had just arrived, so he was pretty excited." She mutters and her phone buzzes. "Ahh speak of the devil, they just got here."

   We all turn to face the little crowd of people waiting for them to pop through. I stare intently at it and my heart sores as the voices of everyone seem to fade away. My heart beat, is the only thing I hear and I raise my hand to my mouth.

   Did I brush my teeth? Yes I did, okay so that doesn't smell bad. Why am I sweating so much? Oh my god it isn't even officially summer yet! Man it just got reeeeaaaallllyyyy hot in here. I think I'm going to be sick.

   Kenny pops through the crowd and waves at Ms. Tina as he hurries over and stares at me eyes wide. Next, Adam and Timothy come through, both boys grin as they see Abigail and Violet. Yet again, they stop when they see me.

   That's when Dean comes through talking with Charlie. My whole body just seems to buzz as they look over and spot me. My head buzzes as Charlie stares at me with wide eyes. His mouth falls open slightly and I hear the faintest voice call.



So, to celebrate 200 followers, I decided to do a sequel and I just so happened to remember that I kinda left you hanging in a way, so Taaadaaaa chapter one! What did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed chapter one! Please, give it a vote, comment add and or follow for more stories and updates! I love you guys so much!!!! Have a great day my lovelies!

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