Losing A Close Friend

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   I walk back from our activity with Adam walking beside me. He kicks a large rock down the way and I kick it next as the campers talk up ahead. "Well, what do we do now since our activity is over?" He asks and I shrug as we walk down the path. We walk a little further when I hear a very familiar voice.

   "Oh god no." I mutter as we stop and around the corner, Malcolm waltz up. "Oh look who is here!"

   "Shut up!" He says and I stick my tongue out as he turns to Adam. "I have a little message for you, from your special someone!" He says and Adam smiles shyly as he scratches his head .

   "R-really?" Adam says and Malcolm nods handing him a note. "Thanks."

   "Of course, don't let her read it though." He waves me away as Adam smiles watching Malcolm walk away.

   "Such a strange guy." Adam whispers and then turns putting the note into his pocket. "I better go meet with Violet." He shrugs and gives a wave goodbye as I smile and walk down the path.

   I watch as he runs off and turn back to the main hang out of the campground. I watch as the campers talk and mingle, some even throw some frisbees.  I walk around and spot Jenny sitting at a fountain. She talks with a group of male campers, laughing and flaunting herself around. My stomach burns and I imagine Charlie and her together, sitting there, leaning towards each other, their lips touch gently.

   "Stop it." I mumble and walk past her quickly. I bump into Daisy along the way, she seems fidgety. "You okay Daisy?"

   "I have to tell you something." She says quietly grabbing my arm and pulling me away to the side. Her grip is strong and we walk off a path where she soon comes to a quick stop.

   "Are you okay?" I ask and she shakes her head gripping my shoulders.

   "Drew, there is something you need to know about Charlie." She says and her face is sweaty as she holds me into place. "Listen, last summer he and Jenny were together!" She says and sighs loudly. "Dean and them told me not to tell you, but I had too, before you get to involved!" She smiles at me as I stare at her. "He is bad news Drew! Please trust me, I know you like him and stuff, but there are things you don't know about him and-"

   "Daisy I know." I say and she stops looking at me. "He told me last night."

   "Oh, I'm so sorry Drew, that's terrible that you guys broke up-"

   "We didn't break up Daisy." I state and she freezes looking at me. "What are you talking about?"

   "You... you're still together? Even after he was with Jenny?"

   "It was before we were even together." I say and she shakes her head.

   "Yeah, but he's changed so much! I mean he's not the same at all... He's mean and you deserve better."

   "Daisy what are you-"

   "He is terrible a-and we had to watch them together as you were off somewhere, and it hurt and-"

   "Daisy you need to calm down."

   "Why would you still be with him?! He's a terrible person!"



   "Daisy!" I shout and she stops quieting down instantly. "Look, I know it must have been rough, but that was before he and I were together. I don't know what you're even talking about."

   "Drew you weren't here! You didn't see what he did!" She hisses and anger bubbles up and I snap back.

   "Just stop!" I bark and she stops as I take a deep breath. "Listen, I love that you worry about me, but I'm fine. I want you to calm down a little bit okay?" 

   "NO I will not calm down! I'm trying to protect you from him!"

   "Daisy I don't need protection!" I say and glare at her. "Look I don't know what your deal is, but I would love it if you would stop talking about my boyfriend like that."

   "Are you seriously going to be one of those ridiculous girls who choose their boyfriends over their friends! We make fun of those people!"

   "Well their friends didn't bash them." I state and she glares hard at me as I shake my head. "If you're going to act this way then I don't want to be around you."

   "Are you serious!" Daisy shouts grabbing my arm and I yank my arm away. "You know, you're being a real bitch."

   "Yeah, so are you." I mutter and march away leaving her behind.

    I can't believe she just said that! I knew that she had been acting strange around him, but I had no idea she hated him. I understand that she wants to protect me, but to bash him that hard, is just terrible... I'm so upset and mad... I have to see Charlie.

   Walking a little ways I see Charlie leaning against a tree. Walking up to him he shows a bright smile and I wrap my arms around him instantly.

   "Well hi there." He says and wraps his arms around me swaying. "What is it?"

   "Nothing, just Daisy made me a little mad." I whisper as he runs his hands through my hair. "She kept going on about you and what a terrible person you were."

   "Well, I was terrible. I didn't wait for you like I should have-" He goes and I shush him with a light kiss.

   "Charlie, just stop. I don't want you feeling bad for what you did. It was before we dated, and you defiantly shouldn't be tortured by Daisy because of it." I say and he smiles kissing my forehead. "If she's going to act this way then she can, but I don't want to bring you into it."

   "I will make it up to her, if it's the last thing I do." He whispers it into my ear and I smile hugging him tightly.

   I look over his shoulder to see Daisy standing a little ways away. She hugs herself and my heart sinks into my stomach slightly as I look away. The distance between us hurts deeply within me.


Thanks so much for reading! I'm sorry I took long to update! I made a bet with someone that I could stay off wattpad till Sunday so HAHAH! Anyway! Here's this. Hope you had a great  saint Patrick's day ! Please, vote comment add and or follow for more updates!!! I love youuuu!!

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