Private Talks and A Torn Heart

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   I finally get out of the awful hug that the girl had put me in and my eye twitches as she giggles and throws her arms around the two of them.  "I must say Charlie! You did pretty good!" She says and pokes his cheeks and she leans her body into Dean's. "Dean let's leave the lovebirds  and we can go talk some more!"

   "Alright." Dean says and smile slightly giving us a wave before the two hurry off and I shake my head.

   "She seems like quiet an exciting person." I mutter and turn to see Charlie looking at me with a strange gaze. "You okay?"

   "Why were you with Dean?" He mutters and my body lurches slightly.

   "We happened to run into each other and we were going to the same place." I state and Charlie snorts as he marches off. "C-Charlie!" I shout and hurry after him. "What is wrong?"

   "You guys were pretty close there Drew! Whispering and shit." He says and my mind buzzes as he gives me a glare. "I thought you had no interest in my brother, maybe I was wrong."

   "WHOA!" I shout and grab his arm stopping him. "Listen, Dean and I were just talking about random stuff, okay?"

   "Now you're lying to me?" He mumbles and points to me eyes. "They squint slightly when you lie; see ya."

   "Charlie wait!" I say and grab him and he stops and looks at me. "Please, look, we were talking about something but I can't tell you."

   "Now you're keeping secrets with him?" He says and growls turning away. "I thought we weren't keeping secrets from each other... I see how important I am to you." He says and pulls away from me walking. Do I tell him? He is very very upset about this! What do I do? I can't loose him, I just can't!"

   "Wait!" I shout and he stops turning looking behind him towards me. "Okay, I'll tell you." I say and he slowly walks to me. "Adam has informed me that he is gay." I whisper and he takes a step back. "Dean happened to figure it out himself."

   "Why would you go to Dean first though?" He asks and I scratch my arm.

   "Adam told me not to tell you."

   "I wonder why? I think he has guts for admitting this." Charlie mumbles and looks over at me. "Look, I'm sorry I got that way, I'm just so scared, I've lost to my brother so many times, I can't lose you to him too."

   "You're not going to." I whisper and he pulls me close as I breath in the wonderful smell of his body spray. His heart beat is calm and steady and I find myself sinking into this wonderful peace.

   I stand alongside Abigail and Lucy in the main center listening to them laugh and joke around. The boys have just finished playing and the place is filled with an excited buzz. Looking around, I stare at Daisy and Violet as they talk to one another. My heart breaks slightly wanting to know what they are talking about. Sensing my gaze, they look towards me and I give a small wave. Violet waves back and Daisy simply looks away ignoring me. I see Violet elbow Daisy slightly and nods her head towards me. Obviously bitter about it, Daisy slowly begins to walk my way and I feel my heart jump.

   "DREW!!!!!" I turn to my name and Adam slams his hands on either side of me and I stumble into the wall. "What the hell?" His voice is dangerously low and his eyes glimmer with a deadly glaze. "You bitch."

   "Adam back off of her." Dean says and reaches towards him.

   "Touch me and I will break your arm!" He shouts and Dean pulls back. The excited buzz has died, the air is filled with something totally different, and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. "How could you?" He says and you swallow hard. "I can't belief you would tell the one person I specifically told you not to tell!"

   "Look I was only trying to-"

   "Shut the hell up!" He shouts and Violet stares wide eyed at him. "You have no idea what you just did to me!" He slams his fists into the wall and I flinch as he dips his head low and gives me a menacing look. "It's all because you hypnotized by some asshole."

   "Hey, he's not an asshole!" I shout and he lets out a low laugh.

   "You are totally blind to the fact that he has torn everyone's life up!"

   "Adam I think that's enough." Dean says and Adam sends a fist into his cheek as he stumbles back.

   "Enough with protecting that asshole!" He screams and glares deeply back at you. "I can't believe I would trust one of his whores." He spits it at me and my mouth opens before I can stop it.

   "At least I'm not a coward and leading someone on by making them think I love them when I'm really gay!" I shout and his face grumbles.

   "What?" We both turn to look at Violet who stands completely still. "What did you say?" She looks at me and Adam pulls away from me and steps towards her. She immediately steps away and tears begin to form. "Is she telling the truth?" She asks and looks to Adam, he stands silent and she looks at her feet.


   "Leave me alone Adam!" She screams and looks at him crying.

   "It's okay vi-"

   "You too Drew!" She screams and I stop talking. "Both of you leave me alone." She says and takes off in a rush. Adam goes after her and everyone is silent.

   Everyone looks over towards me and gives me a rather nasty look before turning and walking out of the main center. Soon, their is only two people left with me.

   "Drew, they both just need to calm down." Dean says and reaches out and I slap him arm away.

   "This is all your fault! If you hadn't walked back with me and asked me those questions Charlie wouldn't have felt upset and I wouldn't have told!" I shout and he stares at me. "Stay away from me!"

   "Okay, I'll go." He mumbles and turns away and walks a little ways. "I know you don't mean these things though."

   "Get away!" I scream and he walks on, leaving the place. "Charlie...." I mumble and look over at him. He opens his arms and I run and bury my head into his best crying. "Did I really just ruin my friendships?"

   "Of course not." He mumbles and squeezes me tightly. "That was not your fault, it's theirs." He whispers and rubs my back. "We don't need them anyway, we have each other." My mind buzzes with his words and my body aches, but my mind latches into the idea with a fierce grip.

   "Yeah.... you're right." I whisper and hug him tighter. He runs his hands through my hair, and I can feel him smile against my ear.


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