The Truth (Part 2)

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   "Give me that." I state and he hands me the flask and I take a swig. He raises any eyebrow and I glare at him. "The hell is this?"

   "Sweet tea."

   "In a flask?"

   "Keep it's cool." He says and I groan as he opens his bag and pulls out a bottle of wine. "But I took this from Timothy!"

   "Yes!" I grab it and quickly pop the cork and take a huge swig. "Ahhh...."

   "You okay?"


   "What happened?"

   "I talked to Charlie." I answer and his eyes go big as he looks over towards me. "I gave him ten minutes to let him talk, to say whatever he wants and then I found out the truth... That he slept with someone else other than Jenny.. He cheated twice over."

"That piece of shut." Dean seethes and I take another huge drink from the bottle. "Are you okay?" I look as him as I continue to drink and narrow my eyes into a glare. "Okay so that's a no..." He sighs and looks over at me gently placing his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Drew."

"Not your fault that your brothers a raging whore." I say as I wipe my mouth and I can feel a slight kick. A quarter of the bottle is already gone and I sigh as I pull my knees to my chest.

"Hey! You wanna hear something totally crazy?"

"I hear it every time you speak." I say with a smile and he laughs slightly. "But sure."

"Okay so I used to come to camp all the time, but the year you came I started having these stupid crazy dreams..." I look at him and feel a sudden pang in my chest. "Like there were these Mid-evil versions of Kenny and Tina, and they went on this crazy adventure!" He laughs and shakes his head as he places a palm to his cheek. "I thought maybe it was a sign or something... I even told Charlie about them, because I thought he could help me figure it all out. He helped me at first but he eventually told me that it had nothing to do with you, and I started to believe it too. For three years I never had them after that summer, until this year when they came back." I suck in a breath as he laughs. "Completely different too."

   "You mean to tell me, you were the one who had the dreams like me?" I ask and his eyes widen as I clench my fists. "Charlie lies to me about that too. Wait did you say you have new ones?"

   "Yeah, it's Kenny's brother and Tina's sister from the original dreams..." He mutters and I take a huge drink. "Uhh, Drew. Maybe you should slow down a bit."

   "No now I'm pissed even more!" I hiss and take another drink. I feel heat in my cheeks as Dean frowns and I look at him. "How could I have been so stupid as to think that Charlie was so perfect! No one is like that!" I state and grip the bottle hard as dean stares at me. "Why couldn't it have been someone else? Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't I have fallen for you?" I look up into his startled gaze.

   "You don't know what your saying Drew, I think you may be a bit drunk, your face is bright red."

   "Alcohol doesn't kick in that fast." I mutter and he swallows hard as the bottle slips from my grip and I lean over towards his face. "Why couldn't I have fallen for you? You're sweet and kind, you always were..." His eyes never leave mine and I feel my chest grow tight. "Plus, I think I actually really like y-"

   "Stop." He says and I fall forward as he buries my face into his chest. "I know your upset but I don't want you to say that. I mean, I really do want to hear it, but not while you're like this..." He hand doesn't travel down my back, instead he runs it through my hair and I feel tears well up and then roll down my cheek. A sob croaks out and he holds me tighter and I grip onto his shirt. I cry hard and my thrust begins to burn, but he never speaks, he simply holds me tightly. After a while, I calm down and we sit around chatting normally.

   "So, what was it like the past three years?"

   "Boring." He states and I laugh as he hands me his flask and I take a drink. "I mean it was never quiet the same with out you. I had no one else to be sarcastic with."

   "Geez." I mutter and he laughs as I hear a shout and he stiffens up. "Did you hear that?" I mutter and he grabs my arm to keep me there.

   "I told you ever since that day at camp so long ago that this was never going to work out!" A girls voice rings out and I look over at Dean. "I should have known..."

   "Please don't say that! I know it's been stressful but we belong together." A guy shouts and Dean tenses up as I listen to the familiar voice. "Please don't do this."

   "Look I just need some space so can you please go." I freeze as the girl crosses into my vision and Dean stares motionlessly at the boy.

   "It's Kenny and Tina." I whisper and Dean looks at me and my heart suddenly fills with pain. "No, no this can't be happening."

   "Drew we need to go! If they find out we saw this."

   "Not them! They can't be torn apart!"

   "DREW!" He hisses and I look at him as he grips my shoulder. "We can figure it out tomorrow okay? We need to get out of here, now!"

   "Okay." I mutter and we quickly make our way off the pier and rub back to our cabins. My head and heart hurting the whole way there.


HELLO!!!! I hope you all enjoyed! Please give it a like, comment, add and follow for more! Tell me what you think will happen next 😁 thank you for reading and tune in next time!

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