Kind Eyes of a Wicked Soul

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"You're going down you little punk." Dean whispers harshly at Charlie as they glare at each other. The earlier standoff of the day is nothin compared to the intensity that fills the room. Everyone is dead silent, even the most rowdy of the campers stand still as they watch the drama unfold.

   "You seriously think you can beat me?" Charlie asks and pops his knuckles and his neck. "I've already won." Charlie gives a smug smile as Dean slams his fist into his palm. "Stop acting like you are tough."

   "When you stop acting like you are cool." Dean bites back and Charlie's face twists and his eyes narrow into a deadly glare towards Dean. "What's the matter? Scared?"

   "Like hell I'm scared of you." He barks as Dean leans forward. Both glaring hard at one another.

   "Then do it." Dean says and Charlie takes a seat at the same time Dean does.
They both extend their hands and grasp them as Adam clears his throat holding up a napkin placing it over their hands.

   "On my signal." He says looking at both of them. "Once this is raised, you may begin." He eyes both of them and leans forward holding the edge of the napkin. "Ready, set.... GO!" He shouts and the napkin is raised and shouts explode as I shake my head and Daisy laughs.

   "I thought we were the counselors. Not the campers." I mutter and look over at the huge group as everyone shouts over the other.

   "Oh let them have their fun." Daisy waves it away as cheers ring out along with some 'oohs' and 'ahhs'. Daisy smiles towards the racket as I shake my head and take a bite of my baked potato.

   "Hey, where is Violet?" I ask as Daisy points towards the board stats when she and Corey bicker back and forth. "Ahh, I see..."

   "I wish those two would stop, they are great athletes, maybe if they work together-"

   "It would snow in hell before that happened!" Abigail states as Lucy sits down beside me and smiles thoughtfully. "Those two? Getting along, that's pretty good joke Daisy."

   "Didn't mean for it to be a joke..." Daisy mutters as a shout erupts from the group and Charlie and Dean are both on their feet. "What now?"

   "Huh...." Abigail sighs and whistles towards Violet who turns around and marches over. "They dogs are barking."

   "Well shit." Violet mutters and looks at them as I turn my head and Charlie glares towards Dean.

   "Look we didn't even finish!" Dean says and Charlie steps onto the table and jumping onto the same side as Dean.

   "Because it's pointless." Charlie says and pouts slightly. "You can cry, and fight all you want. You've lost." Charlie pats Dean on the shoulder and frowns. "Why don't you find someone else to bother." I watch as Dean clenches his fist and bites his lip over and over again. He looks around at everyone, and people begin to snicker as Charlie walks over to me and smiles slightly. "Sorry you had to see that." He says as Violet walks over to Dean and they begin to talk. "He, gets out of control."

   "I can tell..." I say and watch as Violet and him walk off somewhere and I shake my head. "You food is cold now cause you went and goofed around." I say and he frowns as he stands up.

   "Imma go warm it up. You want some chocolate cake?" He asks and I nod as he smiles and walks away as I take a bite and something hits the back of my head.

   Looking around, I find a ball of paper on the floor beside my foot. I lean down and pick it up unraveling the paper to read the scribbled writing.

"Meet me outside ASAP!"

   I look around, everyone seems to be chatting away and I frown as Charlie sits down beside me once again handing me a slice of cake. He happily digs into his Mac&Cheese as I stand up. "I'll be right back." I say and he nods as I step away and head outside. "Hello?" I call and walk around looking behind a tree. "Seriously, is anyone even out here?"

   "Hello." I jump and turn to see Jenny with her arms folded over his chest and I groan.

   "Oh, it's a freaking ambush!" I bark and trim to go back inside but she grabs my arm. "Let go!"

   "Listen to me!" She shouts and slams me into the ground and I groan standing back up.


   "I know you won't believe me, but you have to know something."

   "Spit out the lie so I can go back and eat!"

   "Charlie and I slept together over the past three years every summer." She says and I freeze, looking at her as she stands there, neither of us move and I pop my knuckles.

  "What did you just say?"

   "Look, I know you probably don't believe me, but-"

   "You're right, I don't. Bye now."

   "Would you listen to me!" She shouts and I roll my eyes glaring at her. "Trust me, okay. You think he waited for you, but he didn't." She says and I roll my eyes as she growls. "Don't believe me huh? Fine, when you and he make out-"

   "Whoa!" I shout and glare at her. "What the hell are you even talking about!"

   "Look, I'm not as dumb as your buddies in there, so I know you two are together." She says and clears her throat. "Anyway, when you make out, he's gonna do this thing, with his tongue and-"

   "I'm going to literally throw up."

   "Shut up for one second!" She hisses and sighs. "You're going to feel totally turned on."

   "Why the hell are you telling me all this?!" I bark and she smiles widely.

   "I taught him." She states and I look at her. "So just know, if he kisses you, and his hand grip your hair, and his tongue just-"

   "STOP!" I shout and she takes a deep breath before smiling at me.

   "He learned it, from me." She says and shrugs as she begins to turn away. "Charlie isn't the Prince, you were waiting for anymore sweetheart. I've trained him, so you're welcome." She waves as she walks away and I shake my head and walk back inside. I take my seat next to Charlie.

   "It took you awhile, everything okay?" He asks and I nod smiling at him as I take a bite of my cake. "Good." He says and I feel his hand grip mine under the table as our group continues with their conversation, Dean no where to be seen.

   Feeling eyes on me, I turn around and see Jenny staring  absently towards our table. I realize quickly she is staring at Charlie, her eyes kind and longing as she does. I look over at Charlie, he is staring at me from the corner of his eye and noticing me he turns red and strikes up a conversation with Jason. My hand slips out of his as I continue to eat and shake what Jenny told me out of my head.

   Charlie would never do that.... Right?


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