Adam's Void

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   "Drew!" I shout  as I look into the bushes, shining my flashlight in front of me to see clearer. "She's not this way either!" I shout over my shoulder and Daisy's petrified voice echoes her name.

The word worried is an understatement to how I am now. I can't describe it honestly, we've looked everywhere we could possibly think of. Yet still, there is no sign of her anywhere. I swallow a cry and shout her name over and over again, louder each time. "Hey! Did you find anything?"

"Not even a trace." Daisy says as I stand beside her and we shine our flashlights around. In the silence between us, I can hear the shouts of other searchers and my heart drops into my stomach. "Dean... what if she's really done it this time..." Daisy whispers and I look into her eyes. Tears stream down her face and I can't say anything to calm her. I simply look away, and walk forward.

"I'm not giving up on her ever." I said and walked on , carrying the flashlight with me and shining far ahead. My arms shake slightly and I grip it tighter trying to hold it steady. Where are you Drew?

   We continued our search, our lights shining together in the darkness. The clouds cover over the moon, no star shine, and a roll of distance thunder shakes the trees. Daisy looks up towards the sky and turns look at me. The ground shakes more as the thunder rolls, black clouds roll in making everything eerie and cold.

"Dean!" Daisy shouts over a blast of thunder, and I look to her as she points back the way we came. "Kenny said a huge storm is coming, we have to go!"

"I'm not leaving till we find her!" I shout and she grabs my arm, wet tears stream down her face and she looks up at me.

"Please. We have to head back before the storm comes." She says and look up, the wind blows over her face and into her eyes. "It's supposed to be a terrible one!"

"I..." I look over towards the path, my head pounds with the distant storm and my heart aches horribly. Every inch of my body craves to push Daisy away and push forward to find Drew. But looking at Daisy right now, I can't just do this to her... "okay, let's go back." I whisper and she nods as I pull her back down the path and head back to the main center, where all the search groups are going to meet.

   Where are you... where could you be? Why happened to the girl from the other night. The one who told me not to give up, not to give in... I just don't understand what's going on. Why can't this just be some crazy dream or something? Maybe it is, maybe it's one of those dreams that you don't wake up until you are falling to the ground and right before you slam into the dirt, deader than a doorknob, you wake up. That has to be it right? She can't really be....

   "Nothing for us either." Violet says and I realize that we are already back to the camp. Lost in my own thoughts, we made our way back, and so quickly...

   "Violet..." Daisy says and I look over, her tear choking her up. "I'm scared." Violet coughs covering a cry and hugs Daisy tightly. Rubbing her back and she lets out a loud sob. I look away, I can't look at this, I can't hear this.

   "I can't do this." Adam says and I look over at him. He slowly sinks to the ground, covering his face with his hands. "Not again."

   "Adam?" I ask and squat down looking at him. "Hey, don't worry, it's going to be okay."

   "No it's not!" He shouts and everyone goes silent. Daisy stops sobbing and Violet looks over her should. "It's not okay Dean! It hasn't been okay since she died!"

   "She's not dea-"

   "Not Drew you idiot, Clementine!" He screams and my eyebrows knit together. 

   "What are you talking about?" I ask and scratch my head. "Your sister, she went to study abroad....."

   "No, that's just what my parents told everyone." He whispers and look up, tears stream down his face and he makes no effort to wipe them away. Daisy and Violet walk over, everyone else stands a little ways away. "She's dead." I look away once again and Daisy sucks in her breath. "She.... She killed herself."

   "Oh god." Violet whispers and covers her mouth sinking to the ground.

   "It was her senior year, so we were freshman... She was always so popular and happy, I never would have guessed how miserable she really was. I guess, being popular didn't stop all the bullying, of course I had no idea about it, and I was in the same school building as her. How did I not see it? I mean, one day she was home, so happy and excited, and then in the morning, everything was normal then too." He takes in a shaky breath. "That evening, we got a call, the school was asking if she was sick or something because she never showed up. I thought that was dumb because, she got out of the car with me, so she was at school. But they swore that she wasn't, so my parents called her. She didn't answer. We waited for her, maybe she just used her senior skip day to go shopping with some friends. Dinner rolled around, and still she wasn't home, so that's when my parents began to worry..... Night fell, and we got ahold of her friends, they hadn't seen or heard from her all day.... Then we started the search...." He chokes down a sob. "3 in the morning, we got the call from the police department. They had found a body in the water. She jumped off the old abandoned bridge... That was the place she always went to think, she hid away there, I know that because she brought me there one time...." I stop and look up staring off into the tree line.

   A place, where you go to think. Someplace where no one would find you.

   "Oh god." I mumble and jump up.

   "Dean?" Daisy asks and I turn and begin running. "Dean!"

   I slam into Charlie but don't even try to apologize. She had to be here, it was the only place that no one would think about, no one but Drew.


   The water falls roughly into the small pond like area. I look around, the water fall louder than I usually remember. "Drew!" I scream and look into the water. Nothing floats, could she have? "No!" I shout and run up to the top of the cliff. A steep grassy hill on the back side. The grass is slick with night dew and I dig my nails into the dirt catching myself and running up. I stare over the way and peer into the water. Completely black, I can't see a thing. "Please god don't tell me I'm too late." I whisper and sink into the ground covering my eyes. "I'm so sorry Drew, I'm sorry I didn't notice, I'm sorry I came so late." Tears leak down my face and I let out a croak. Snot runs out of my nose and I scream at the top of my lungs. "You can't leave me!" I slam my fists into the ground, my knuckles pop and split. "Why why WHY?!"


   My neck snaps to the trees behind me and sniffle. "Drew?" I mutter, it's a long shot, but it's all I can think of. Standing up, I walk over to the area and look around.

   The branches of the trees had been snapped, the ground seemed trampled at some places. Like someone had-

   "Fallen." I mumble and take in a deep breath. I grab onto a tree and begin walking down the steep hill. "Drew?" I call and my foot slides slightly, I throw my arm around a branch and pull myself up. "Common Drew." I mutter and walk down further, then, I come to a huge pit, the slope falls into an endless dark hole. "There's no way, if she fell, she's got to be..." I stop myself from saying it. I turn away, accepting defeat, when I look up, I see a woman staring at me, wearing a shredded dress, and her hair knotted. "Tina?" I ask and her palms slam into my chest and I fall back, unable to catch myself, then I fall into an endless hole.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed, please give it a vote, comment, add and follow me for more updates and more stories! I love you all and have a great night/day!

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