Freeze Tag and a Bad Pun

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   I stand with my group of girls as Kenny goes over the new groups. I look over and see Charlie as he watches Kenny intently. His arms are crossed and he seems to be tired. Biting my lip, I turn and look back towards Kenny who has finished his little speech.

   "Now, for the new groups." He says and sticks his hand in a bag. "Daisy and Charlie." He frowns and I glance over at Daisy as she stares at the ground with an unreadable expression. "Abigail and Jason, Violet and Dean." He says and takes out more paper. "Drew and Adam."

"Sweet!" Adam says and walks towards me with a smile. "What's up Drew!"

"Ah, ya know. Just got stuck with this really annoying guy as my other counselor for my group!" I say and he gasps and shakes his head patting my shoulder.

"That is so unfortunate for you." He says and we both smile as the ref of the groups are decided. "So let me introduce my guys!" He says and he looks over them. "This guy is Liam." A tall guy nods and Brittany's eyes instantly widen as she steps forward extending her hand.

"Brittany." She says and he smiles shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure."

"The pleasure is all mine." He says and Adam and I pull them away.

"Back to what I was doing..." Adam says and looks over his list. "This is Andrew." A shorter and plummy guy waves and I smile as he looks around. "That guy right there with the lip piercing is Ted." He looks over at me with a dark expression and I smile slightly as he turns and looks around. "Where's the little guy..." He mumbles and a guy pops out with a smile. "There he is! This is my big buddy Kevin!" Adam pats Kevin's back as he runs up and gives me a hug.

"H-hi. Kevin." I say and pat his back as Adam smiles and mouths the words 'special.' I nod and smile at him as he smiles back and hurries back and stands next to Andrew. "Right, so you already know Brittany." I say and point towards her as she winks towards Liam, whom smiles wryly in response. "Uhh, yeah... Anyway, this is Maddie, that one over there is Patricia, and right here is Opal." They wave each and I smile as I nod. "Get to know each other." They disperse and Adam and I group up. "This is going to be interesting..."

"Yeah." He says and shakes his head as he looks around.

"Well, I don't really remember talking to you a lot before. So why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Oh okay, well my dad works at a construction place. He is a very rough guy, always in a bad mood too." Adam says thinking and I nod.

"I guess you could say he is crane-ky!" Dean pops in and we both stare at him blankly. "Sorry..."

"You should be." Adam says and shakes his head looking back to me. "Anyway, I'm actually studying to be a psychologist in college."

"Really that's so cool!" I say and Dean looks around and I sigh. "What do you want Dean?"

"Hmm? Oh, uh. I'm just lonely." He says and Adam glares.

"Go back to your group." We both say and he frowns and walks away sadly. "He's really, uhh, changed." I mumble and Adam scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, he really has."

"Alright! Everyone's groups get to know each other a little? Okay, now counselors, go on your group bonding activities!" Kenny shouts and I shake my head as Adam and I gather everyone and head out to a giant field.

"So like, what are we going to do?" Brittany says and Adam thinks before snapping his fingers. "Oh no, I have a bad feeling."

"We should play freeze tag!" He says and Kevin claps his hands happily as Opal smiles.

"I love freeze tag!" She says and Patricia blows a bubble of gum.

"Of course you would love such a childish game." She mutters and Opal frowns as I give a look to Patricia and she clears her throat. "I mean, yay freeze tag!!" She throws in some jazz hands and then sighs.

"Alright, who is going to be it." He says and Opal raises her hand. "Okay Opal, and any guys?" He asks and Andrew smiles and waves as he nods. "Okay, ready, set- GO!" He shouts and everyone takes off as Opal and Andrew begin to chase.

I pass by Adam and Opal comes from the other side and tags me. "Crap!" I shout and Liam drops down and crawls between my legs unfreezing me. "Thank you!" I shout as he looks back.

"You owe me!" He shouts and jumps away from Andrew before running away again. I run and see Kevin frozen to the left and I turn and runs towards him. He claps his hands when he sees me approach and I quickly unfreeze him.

"There you go Kevin." He smiles as he runs off again and I quickly run around looking for anyone else. I look over and see Kevin is froze again as is everyone else and I see Opal and Andrew closing in on me. I run towards Brittany, and the run towards her, one in the front and the other in the back. When I'm almost there, I make a quick cut to the right and slide underneath Kenny who was only a few feet away. He takes off quickly and together we unfreeze everyone once again.

Eventually, we decide to take a break, and once it's over, we decide to play again. "Who wants to be it, this time, we will only have one!" Adam says and Kevin jumps up and down. "Kevin, you sure?" He nods happily as Adam looks at everyone and nods. "Okay guys, Kev is it! Lets go!"

Everyone takes off into a light jog, I look over and see Liam "fall down" and Kevin takes him. Patricia is walking a little ways ahead and he runs up tapping her shoulder. When he takes off again she whips out her phone and begins texting. Soon, everyone is frozen and we all cheer as Kevin dances around the field happily.

"Lets go Kev!" Adam shouts as Andrew and him lift him up onto their shoulders. "You're number one buddy!"

Kevin smiles as we all laugh and clap for him. Brittany claps beside me and I look over at her. "Go Kevin!" She cheers and he smiles at her and she smiles back.

"Hm." I hum and she looks to me.

"What?" She asks and I shrug as she looks over to Kevin. "I have a little sister that has Down syndrome." She says and I raise an eyebrow as she smiles towards him. "It's great to see people like this. That really care." She says and shrugs as I smile and pat her shoulder.

"Is she going to come during family night?" I ask and Brittany shakes her head.

"She can't handle crowds." She says and smiles up to the sky. "Maybe one day she can come here, I just hope they have nice people like this around."

"Yeah." I say and she smiles at me slightly. "Me too."


Thanks so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed, sorry it's such a BLAH chapter buuut, I thought I could add a little back ground to some of her group ppl. Sooo this is Brittany's, hope you liked it. Please, give it a vote, comment add and or follow for more.

Oh yeah! Don't forget to check out my Midnight Sun Movie entry for the contest! It is called FATE!! You don't have to if you don't wanna 😋 anyway! Thanks again for reading!!! I love you all!!!!! ❤️

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