The Truth (Part 1)

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   I watch as Pete and Patricia talk to each other, sharing embarrassed smiles and laughing. Dean sets down a plate of waffles in front of me and sits down. My face lights up and he laughs as he peers at me. "Man I wish you lite up like that when you looked at me." He says and I look over at him, his smile light and playful. "Charlie 3 o'clock." He mutters before taking a napkin and wiping the corner of my mouth. "You are such a sloppy eater Drew." He says and I feel his thumb run over my lips and heat rises to my cheeks. "I can't even kiss the chocolate syrup off your lips in front of all these kids." He smiles and I blush as he sits down and eats an apple. "Man look at Charlie... he's so pissed..." his lips press close to my ears so I can hear what he says and I blush slightly. "Your face is radiating so much heat! Are you running a fever?"

   "N-no." I state and hurry to pull my head away before he can touch it. "This really is working though! I can't believe it, but I still feel kinda bad about it..."

   "Yeah well you also haven't loosened up in a while!"

   "Hey! We set up two kids yesterday! I don't wanna hear it!" I spit and he chuckles as I take a swig of juice. "It's hard to loosen up anyway, we have a whole bunch of children to watch."

   "Not true! Why not sneak out tonight and meet at the lake? We can hang out and relax!"


   "Awww Common Drew! We can invite more people if you want?"

   "If we invite too many we may get caught."


   "Fine I'll sneak out but do not tell other people!"

   "Alright sweet!" He cheers and I smile as he bites his apple happily.

   This feeling is strange.... I feel comfortable but also a little nervous. It's easy to breath but hard to catch my breath... this feeling is so weird and foreign to me, I can't remember feeling anything like it before... maybe I do have a fever. Am I sick? I mean, Dean and I are faking all of this, none of it is real, none of it is.... He wants to do this to get back at Charlie and so do I.... so, why is my heart beating fast around him? Why am I queasy and uneasy? I can't actually have feeling for him can I? No that's not possible...

   "We better round up the kiddos." He says and stands up slightly and crutches away in a flash.

   "Drew..." I stop and look up slightly. Charlie stands there, his face sad and his eyes looks puffy. "Can I Please talk to you?"

"I have to go and get the campers ready." I say and he bites his lip. "Not right now."

"If not now then when?" He asks his voice cracks and I shiver.

"Tonight, I will give you 10 minutes to tell me whatever you want." I turn on my heels and hurry away, leaving Charlie and his eyes burn into my back with such sadness I feel tears begin to burn at my eyes.


I stand at the place I stood at for so many nights. The place I first came up with Camp Cinderella, and it feels bittersweet. Charlie ducks through the branches and bushes and stands in front of me. His body is stiff and he looks like he's about to cry.

"You're time starts now, and I can stop you at anytime." I say and he nods as he steps forward and I step back. "Keep your distance."

"Of course." He whispers and steps back as he holds his head down. "I made a really big mistake Drew, but we all make mistakes. Mine are very bad and I regret it every second of everyday because I hurt you so badly. The time you saw us was actually when I was going to end it with Jenny."

"That's what they all say."

"I know... but I really mean it." He looks up and his eyes are filled with sincerity. "I was relaxing that I was in love with you. When I had figured it out I was so disgusted that I decided to end it."

"If you were so disgusted, why would you do it one last time instead of ending it right there!"

"Drew please I'm sorry!!!! I really am! I'm not asking you to date me again! I'm just wanting you to forgive me!"

"Forgive you?!" I shout and he flinches as I laugh. "You broke my heart! You cheated one me! How many time did you do it with her anyway? Like when we were together!"

"Just that one time." He says and I hear a waver in his voice.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that." He bites his lip. "Charlie!"

"I swear it was just once!" He says and I glare into his eyes.

"How many times."



"Five okay!" He shouts and my heart thumps. "Five times..."

"Was she the only one?"


"Who else Charlie..."

"No one else."

"Damnit I know when you're lying!" I shout and he close his eyes as tears stream down his cheeks. "Just tell me how many."

"Just one other." He whispers and my head feels like it just got stabbed.

"How many times with her?"

"Only once." He says and I can hear the truth in his tone. "It was Brittany...." My head hurts and I feel myself grow hard and angry. "Drew, I know it doesn't seem like it, but I love you... you're the only one I've ever loved!"

"You're right...." I whisper and he looks at me as I stare coldly at him. "It doesn't seem like it at all.... you're 10 minutes are up. Goodbye.."

"Drew.." he whispers and I keep my head low and walk away, never turning back around, even after I hear him his knees and sob.

   I hurry to meet up with Dean, trying hard to keep the pain inside. I hop over a small log and run down he beach like area. Dean sits on the pier in the distance and I hurry towards him. He looks up and smiles holding up a flask.

   "Looks like someone needs a drink!" He says and my heart leaps slightly as he gives me a cheeky grin.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the long awaited update!! I will try and get the next update out as soon as possible because a lot of stuff is about to go down! So tune in next time!!! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed it! Please, vote, comment, add and or follow for more!!! Thank you again!!!! 💙💙

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