Horseshoe and the Glimmer in the Woods

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The juices of the grape fill my mouth as I pop another one in my mouth and chew. My eyes feel heavy as I look around the room and my eyes meet with Charlie's. He too looks tired and he gives me a worried smile as my phone buzzes and I look into my hands.

Charlie: "You okay?"

I smile looking up and quickly type in a reply hitting the send button and looking over to him. His gaze never shifts from mine as he raises his phone to his face and smirks as he nods and Dean's head slams into the table. Everyone goes silent and I poke his head as he sits up and pulls a flask from his pocket and takes a drink.

"The hell Dean!" Daisy hisses as he looks at her eyes wide looking around.

"What did I do?" He asks and she blinks before shaking her head and cutting a pancake. "I'm confused..."

   "Just be confused..." Violet mutters as he shrugs taking one last swig and laying his head back down. "So I was informed that we would be doing a sport today!" She cheers and smiles widely toward a table where Corey sits amongst a few campers talking. "He's going down." Adam smiles wistfully as he turn away looking off in a different direction with a gentle smile. You follow his line of sight but see nothing there and you turn back to see him focusing on Violet, he holds her hand and rubs circles around the top of her hand gentle. "I really wanna beat him."

   "I know baby." He says and she smiles gently as he wraps his arm around her and kisses the top of her head.

   "Awe." Daisy says and Dean stares at them, his face softens as he nods to Adam.

   "Ewww." We all look up to see Jenny staring at them, her arms folded over her chest as she glares. "Ya know, you two have been together for a long time for people who are pretending to date."

   "Excuse you?" Violet asks pulling away from Adam and he bites his lip.

   "Well, I mean you are obviously using him to hide the fact that your a lesbian!" She barks and Violet stands up glaring hard at her. "Oops, didn't mean for that to spill out."

   "Listen here, Jen-freaking-ny. You better walk away right now before you plastic nose gets slammed back into place with my tray." She glares at her and Jenny purrs at Adam.

   "Call me if you want to feel a real woman." She says and Violet's hands clench but Adam steps in front of Violet shielding her. "Oh hello there." She reaches out and Adam slaps his fork over the top of her hand. "HEY!"

   "Don't touch me with your Crab infested hands." He barks and she is taken aback as he folds his arms over his chest. "And if I find out that you have talked about Violet at all." He steps forward glaring hard at her. "I will end your little kingdom you think you deserve." He steps away from her as we all stare in silence. "Now get the hell away from us." She gives one last look, he eyes settle on me before she glares and walks away.

   "That was BAD ASS!" Dean shouts and hooks his arm around Adam's neck. "That's my boy!"

   "H-hey common!" He laughs as Kenny walks up and everyone goes silent.

   "Did I miss something?" He asks and everyone slowly shakes their heads and he smiles. "Alrighty then! Lets head out!"



   "Woo hoo!" Charlie holds up his hands happily as I glare over at him. "Ahh! S-sorry."

   "I don't understand how your so good at this!" I groan and he smiles shyly as I pick up the horseshoe and another bell like sound rings out as Violet shouts out happily.

   "I'm no where near as good as Vi." He says and I step back tossing it into the air as he walks over.

   "Common!" I whisper and sigh as he grabs it and hands it to me. "What is it?"

   "I wanna show you how to do it!" He says happily and walks behind me, his arms cover mine as his chest presses to my back. His hands clasp over my hand that holds the horseshoe as the other holds my other arm up. "You need to take a deep breath, don't rush."

    "You hit the stick once and you know all..." I whisper and he blows at my ear and I wiggle.
"Alright alright!" I laugh and he nudges leg against mine.

   "Straighten your stance." He says and I nod doing so as he clears his throat. "Get enough momentum." He arms leads mine and I can see his smile from the corner of my eye. "Now let go." I  do as he says and release the shoe, it soars and as it falls a loud ding rings out as it slams into the peg.

   "I DID IT!" I cheer and he laughs as I wrap my arms around him and he holds me tightly. "Thank you so much Charlie."

   "It was my pleasure." He whispers into my ear and my cheeks flush as I look out across the area to see everyone messing around laughing and talking. "Here comes Dean." He says as we pull away and Dean smiles at us. "Hey."

   "Lets play a game!" Dean cheers holding up his horseshoes with a kiddy grin. "Common!"

   "Why should I?" Charlie mutters and dean shrugs as he looks around.

   "Maybe the winner gets a prize!" Daisy says and they share a look as Charlie folds his arms.

   "What kinda prize?" He asks as Daisy shrugs looking around and Dean frowns as he thinks quietly. "$20?"

   "Deal." Dean says and they shake hands as the each take an end and everyone surrounds them.

   They begin the game, each of them easily making points and I smile as I watch the arch of the shoes. Then, one sails as everyone lets out yelps and ducks down. Dean gives a worried chuckle as I jump up and jog over to the edge of the woods where the shoe had landed. I lean down and pick up it as something shines into my eyes.

   "Owe." I rub them and blink looking to where it had been shining. I stare into the woods as something glimmers and shines. I step into the woods and watch as it shines again and I feel myself inch closer into the woods.

   "Drew!" Violet shouts and I snap back to the group. "Common it's intense!"

   "C-coming!" I shout and run off leaving the glimmer behind, never noticing the hooded figure holding a glistening sword at their side.


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