Blushes and Crushes

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   I stare blankly at the waffles as Dean sits beside me, polling his orange around the table. The steam from the waffles has already left the air and I feel my stomach lurch just from the thought of eating. Tina's voice rings in my head as I push the place away as Dean glances towards me.

   "Not hungry." I whisper as I look over at him. He clearly didn't sleep last night, but I didn't either. "You didn't sleep either huh?"

   "No, I couldn't, I just kept picturing it." He states and looks over towards Kenny. "Now that I know what's going on, I can see every little detail. I'm just concerned on how long this has been happening."

   "I heard Tina crying last night when she got back. I just don't understand, what on earth is happening?" I mutter and shake my head as he sighs. "You don't think it's that's curse over the lake do you?"

   "Well, I'm not sure. I know the curse was because the knight couldn't be with the princess, but it was just a wives tale. Now that I had those dreams, it could be a very high possibility, more so that they are the reincarnated versions of them." He says and I sigh as lay my head on the table. "We have to do some serious investigation to find the real reason."

   "We have to end that curse before it destroys the only good relationship formed at this freaking camp." I state and I sit up quickly.

   "Oh no, you have an idea."

   "We need to get them alone and see what's bothering them! Like I'll talk to Tina and you will talk to Kenny!"

   "I don't know Drew..." He rubs his neck and looks over at me. "What if they don't want to talk about it?"

   "Well if they don't, then I can't help it, but I'm going to at least try." I slam my fist into my hand with determination and Dean laughs slightly as he places his cheek against his palm. "What?"

   "You just being cute and all." He says and I blush as I look down.

   "Shut up." I grumble and he laughs as he pokes my nose and I slap at his hand. He laughs more as he pokes more at me and I groan slapping at his hands.

   He soon stops and I smile slightly as he hands me his orange. I look up at him and he ruffles my hair as he takes a drink of apple juice. I peel the orange and begin to eat some food as I look around the place. Our group of campers sit together talking excitingly and I smile to myself. I look around and see Charlie staring towards me and I grab Dean's hand. Dean jumps slightly and I look up at him as he smiles slightly and pull my hand above the table.

   "By the way, I just noticed something interesting." He says as he rubs a circle on my hand with his thumb. "Daisy and Jason seem to be getting along quiet well." I look over his shoulder at them. They both blush as they look down at the table but don't seem to be talking.  "I think they like each other."

   "Hmm, I'll have to have a little chat with Jason." I say and he snickers as I look over at him.

   "Well Charlie is gone, I guess we better-"

   "Actually..." He stops and looks at me. "Can you hold my hand just a little bit longer?" I ask and he looks surprised at first but smiles slightly.

   "Yeah, of course Drew..." He smiles and continues to hold my hand. His thumb running over the top of my hand in a comforting way.


   I spot Jason as he walks down a dirt path and I hurry up to him. I fall into step with him and he smiles looking over at me.

   "Hey Drew. You seem to be in a better mood recently!" He cheers and I laugh as he wraps his arm around my shoulders giving me a slight squeeze. "It's good to have you back!"

   "Thanks Jason!" I laugh and he pulls his arm away as I place my hands together in front of me.

   "So you and Dean seem to be getting along quiet well." He says and I smile as he looks over. "Is it gonna be a thiiiiing?"

   "Oh I don't know..." I say and he laughs as I take a deep breath. "How about you? Are you and Daisy gonna be a thiiing?" He stops and looks at me, his eyes wide and I smile. Bingo. "You have to know that I've known Daisy forever, I can tell when she likes someone. You I just happen to guess, looks like I was right."

   "D-Drew, you won't tell anyone will you?" He asks as he looks at his feet shyly. "I'm still working out how to ask her on a date."

   "Yeah sure." I say and he smiles. "Dean knows too though."


   "I'll talk to him don't worry." I say and he smiles slightly as I pat my chest. "It's an oath."

   "Thanks Drew." He says and I nod as we make our way down the path.

   "Daisy does like you, so I'm sure if you ask she'll say yes." I say and he looks over at me. "Don't be a sissy either, she doesn't like them. But whenever you decide to ask her out, and if you need help just let me know."

   "Thank you.. Really Drew thank you." He pulls me into a hug and I smile as I hug him back. "By the way, Dean likes you."

   "No way!" I laugh and he shoulder me a bit.

   "I saw it back then and I see it now, nothing has changed Drew. He still likes you, a lot. Something tells me he's to chicken to tell you." He says and I stare as him as he pays my back. "I'll see you later Drew." He says and walks away hurrying to his group and I stand and watch him as he goes.

Hey ppl! I hope you all enjoyed!!! Please give it a like comment add and or follow for more updates!!! I love you all! Thank you for reading And I hope you tune in next time!!! Have a great day/night!

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