Apologies and Crutches

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My head aches, everything is black and my body feels heavy. I groan and my eyes squint open, and the bright white walls of a room fill my view. A chill runs through my body as a cotton blanket slides off my arms and I slowly sit up. My back aches and I look down at my arms, they ache as I move them around and look at the wraps around them.

What happened? Why am I here? And where exactly is here?

I glance around and over in a chair Daisy lays there sleeping. Her eyes swollen and her face is red and I instantly remember what I had done.  My body shudders and I lean over the edge of the bed to stand. I reach for the small in table and slip, knocking my cellphone into the floor. Daisy's head snaps up and meets my gaze, her eyes show a mix up of emotions but in the end, all I can see is sadness.

"Oh god Drew!" She cries and jumps out of her chair to my side and clings to my body. Her grip is so strong it hurts and I'm left with a horrible feeling in my stomach. "Why would you do this again?"

"I don't know..." I mutter and her body shudders and she holds me tighter. "I was just so depressed..."

"Why though? What happened?" She asks and I chomp on my tongue. I can't tell her why... well not the truth anyway.

"I..... I don't know." Is all I say and her body quakes with tears. "I'm so sorry... When it happened, it's like, I had no control." I mumble and she pulls back to look me in the eyes. Swollen, red eyes, tears streaming down her face, her lip quivering with quiet sobs, so I look away, because I can't stand to see it. "I'm sorry."

"Why wouldn't you talk to me about what was going on?" She asks and I look towards the door as it opens and Violet steps into the room.

"Oh god Drew you're awake!" She screams and runs over plowing onto of me and I let out a groan as she buries her head into my neck. "Thank god... oh sweet Jesus..." Her body shakes, like she swallowed her phone and it continuously vibrates within her body. Once again I bit my tongue, too scared to speak, but she jumps off of me as quickly as she had jumped on. "Why wouldn't you talk to us?"

"I thought you hated me... I ruined everything so I figured you wouldn't want to talk to me." I say as I stare down into my hands twiddling my thumbs as I speak. They don't answer me, but instead I feel their palms press onto my shoulders. A gesture they had made long ago when my parents died, when I was depressed and could barely speak without crying, they would simply place their hands on my shoulder to show that they were here with me, no matter what. "I'm so sorry I pushed you guys away." I sob and tears leak down my face. "It's all my fault and I'm sorry." They grip my shoulders and let me sob, my head hanging low into my chest, never saying a word.


After a long cry, we sit around and talk about some things I had missed when I wasn't hanging out with them for the past month, which isn't very much apparently.

"Yeah, so I still haven't talked to Adam... I really don't want to see him." Violet mutters and I frown as she pushes her shoulder into mine. "I was mad at first, but I'm happy I know now, I just can't look at him, like at all."

"He's been pretty depressed about it lately, Jason has been telling me about how he just drags around like a sad puppy." Daisy says and to that Violet laughs, a very small one, it sounds like it's filled with longing but also bitterness. "Just watching him makes me sad."

The door opens and Tina steps into the room, behind her is Kenny, and he is carrying my bags and such.

"Why do you have my stuff?" I ask and Tina walks over and hugs me tightly.

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