The Wise Words of Leo

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"So you talked to Jason." Dean says as he watches Brittany kick a ball down the field to Opal. "How'd it go?"

"It went alright." I mutter as I hug my knees close to my body. "He will tell her in his own time."

"Or he never will... he seems like the kind that will never say it because he fears to lose someone." Dean states as he takes a sip of a Capri-Sun. "I however, say how I feel and if it's meant to be it will happen." I glance at him as he stares longingly at the ground. "Which most of the time they don't like me back."

"Well, it's better than falling for the ones who break your heart." I state and he smiles slightly as he scratches his head.

"They do that too."

I close my mouth as I look over the field. Dean's aura gives off a sad vibe and I bite my lip as a guilty feeling sinks into my body. I peer at his face which has tanned over the summer. His eyes seem like a deeper blue and my heart does a little leap inside my chest. My eyes trail down his neck, his Adam's apple moves up and down as he swallows and I catch his full lips parting ever so slightly. I move down and his shirt clings to his chest, slightly exposing the outline of his abs. I move down more and another outline shows but I quickly look away, finally landing at his leg. It's wrapped still and his crutches lay beside him, the reason he has it is because of me. Sighing I lay my hands onto the ground and my left hand covers his.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I shout and quickly yank my hand away as my face heats up. Why am I so embarrassed that our hands touched? "That was really loud..." I look over and see some of the group looking towards us. "Carry on!" I call and Brittany shrugs as she kicks the ball. "Geez.... I'm sorry about everything, I mean first I hit your hand then I shout and get everyone's attention and-"

"Drew." Dean says and I look over at him as he smiles happily. "You're fine... also, I like having your hand touch mine." His face turns bright red and he lightly touches my fingers with his, just barely grazing over mine. "I mean, if you don't then it's okay... I know it was an accident." He states and he traces the top of my hand with his thumb before pulling away slowly."

"No!" I shout and grimace as I look back towards the field and see them all still playing. "I-I do like it... I just surprised myself." I mutter and he wrap my pointer finger around his. He smiles slightly and I feel my heart beat quicken as I look over the field to watch them. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dean glancing at me and his hand holds mine, they aren't intertwined, but it feels nice. Really nice, and then I realize something, no one is around, Charlie isn't here, but yet we are acting as if he is. I am sitting here holding hands with Dean but Charlie isn't here. I feel so strange, my heart feels crazy light and happy, but I can't remember feeling this way before... I mean, with Charlie I was always nervous and my heart did beat like crazy but this, this is completely different. My heart is crazy fast, my head feels light, but I feel at ease, comfortable, almost like I'm at home.... I could never tell him this, he would probably think I'm crazy.


   Dean crutches ahead of me as I stare at his back. He is laughing and talking with some of group. Opal asks him something and he does his small
head tilt showing that he is thinking.

   "You like him." I turn and look over at Leo.

   "You talked." I mutter and he nods as he clears his throat. "What do you mean I like him? I sooooo do not like him! I mean he is like... a brother!"


   "Excuse me?!"

   "Liar liar pants of fire." He says and I narrow my eyes at him. I thought Dean said when he spoke he was very smart or something. That it was very meaning full.

   "Right... well, you don't know me so ha!"

   "You were depressed and the two brothers made you feel better. You had thought you were in love with Charlie but your heart is realizing that it should have been with Dean the entire time." He answers and I stare at him eyes wide.

"Did someone tell you something?!"

"Yes and no." He says and I frown as he shoves his hands into his pockets. "The truth is, I overheard some of the guys talking one night and that's how I know, but you yourself don't know what it is you are feeling, well, you do actually know you just won't admit it. However there is a supernatural force keeping you two apart, and you have to figure that out before anything else."

"Wait, a supernatural element? What on earth are you talking about..."

"You know what I am talking about." He answers and I grimace as I look down quickly. "There is something going on right in front of your eyes and you and Dean are looking at it all wrong. The issue you both need to fix is right in front of you, and has been since you were here three years ago Drew. Look at it from a different angle." Nodding, he walks ahead and my eyebrows twitch as I watch him.

"What a load of..." I stop when I hear angry whispers and I quickly look towards where they are coming from. Kenny and Tina stand there pointing, their faces angry and red. My heart sinks as I watch Tina shove Kenny away and march off. Kenny, stands there, heartbroken and he slowly walks off the other way. "This is what needs to be fixed, this is what everything revolves around." I whisper as I nod and look down by the pier. Standing there is the knight from my dreams long ago. He stares at me as I watch blood spill from his mouth. "First thing I need to find out, what happened to him." I mumble and walk down to the pier, clutching the edge of my shirt. I walk and stop right in front of him as I stare into his eyes and he takes my hand. "What happened?" I ask and he slowly falls back off the pier, and I, fall with him.


Thanks so much for reading!!! I am sorry it took so long 😂 I've had a busy summer! I hope you get a vote and a comment from you guys! I love you all and tune in next time to see what happens!!!

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