Keeping Secrets and Jenny's Warning

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   I sit at the table with Daisy as I sip on some apple juice. She talks with Lucy over something Lucy was writing as I continue to drink. Last night, Charlie and I had decided to keep the relationship a secret for a little bit. In order to keep myself quiet, I have been drinking without stopping since I've woke up. Ive been doing all the stops from, listening to music so I don't have to talk, to saying my thrust hurts, and now I am here. On the verge of peeing myself because I've already drank 2 bottles of water and now I'm drinking apple juice.

"God last night was terrible." Dean groans as he sits down and lets out a yawn. "Those boys wouldn't be quiet." He rubs his eyes sleepily and lays his head down as he munches on a biscuit. "Twey wre woud!" He says, his cheeks filled with biscuit and I shudder as Daisy pats his back hoping it will cheer him up.

"There there, the girls were rather loud as well last night." She says and I look up from my juice. "Until someone screamed her head off at them."

"Maybe that's why your throat hurts Drew." Lucy points out and I go back to drinking my juice as Dean raises an eyebrow and hands me a piece of candy.

"What's this?" I whisper and he shrugs as he takes a drink of water.

"It's candy, it has honey and stuff in it. Works pretty good to sooth sore throats." He states plainly as I nod and open it popping it into my mouth.

The honey taste of the candy instantly shows up, and I smile at the delicious taste. Charlie sits down beside Adam with a plate full of eggs and bacon. He glances towards me and we both share a smile before quickly looking away. Thoughts of last night bubble back into my mind as I take a big drink trying to contain my happiness.

   "Alright everyone. Today you guys will split into your own groups that were assigned yesterday for sigh ups on sports!" Someone from the camp shouts as they stand on a table. I look towards her as a hoard of boys trample over one another to meet her. He butt practically hangs out of her shorts and I roll my eyes as I look towards Timothy and the others. They each have their eyes directed straight to her dairy-air and I shake my head as I catch Dean from the corner of my eye. He wasn't staring at all, simple drinking his milk with a disinterested face.

   "That's disgusting." Charlie whispers and I look at him as he pulls his eyes away from the woman. "There are children here."

   "Timothy." Abigail says poking at his side and he looks away cheeks flushed.


   "She nasty." Adam states as he throws his arm about Violet and she shrugs his arm off. "I'm happy you don't wear that kind of stuff." He says and lays his head on her should and she looks at him. "I wouldn't want to add to the number of guys that already like to look at you."

   "You dummy." She says it lovingly and lays her head against his as Kenny pulls them apart and sits between them. "Hey!"

   "You shall not pass!" He shouts and Adam grumbles as he frowns and talks to Jason.

The rest of breakfast goes by quietly, I share the occasional glance at Charlie as everyone else talks with one another. As we leave the cafeteria, Charlie walks beside me as I feel his hand brush against mine and I glance around making sure no one notices.

"Tonight, we sneak out again." He whispers and I look at him as he smiles at me. "I need more time with you."

"Okay." I say and he smiles as Violet calls for me and I hurry down towards her. "What's up?"

"So I was wondering which sport you guys might choose." She says and I groan as she glares. "What does that mean?"

"I should have figured it was going to be about sports." I mutter and she stops dead in her tracks and her fist slams into my chest as I cough. "The hell?"

"Well well well..." I look over to see a tall guy standing there looking at us. Immediately I recognize the Violet's biggest rival is standing in front of us, Corey Mathew's, and at his side stands the one and only Jenny. "Hello Violet."

   "Corey." She says and I shake my head as Daisy and the rest of the gang stop with us and Charlie stands behind me. "What can I do for you?"

   "Nothing what so ever." He spits and she huffs up her cheeks as the rest of their group counselors join in. "I just happened to overhear what sports you were going to do."

   "Oh really now?" She says and folds her over her chest as she sighs. "What does that have to even do with you?"

   "Well, my group happens to be fairly athletic. I guarantee we would beat yours in a heartbeat." He says smiling smugly and Adam rolls his eyes nudging Violet.

   "Lets just go." He grumbles and she shakes her head stepping forward.

   "You seriously want to play this game?" She hisses and Corey steps forward looking down at her.

   "Just choose the court and it's on." He says leaning down and she tilts her head before holding out her hand.

   "Deal." She says smiling evilly as Jenny steps forward pushing her face towards mine.

   "Whoa there nelly." I state and step back as I sigh. "What do you want?"

   "There little rivalry might be just a friendly competition, but our's is real." She spits her words at me and I wave my hand in front of my face.

   "Do you brush your teeth with dick?" I ask and step away and she grabs the collar of my shirt glaring up at me.

   "You're messing with the wrong woman Drew. Charlie, is mine." She hisses and I easily yank her hand off my shirt and straighten my collar.

   "I like this shirt. I don't want it contaminated by you." I state and she looks at Charlie pushing herself against him and smiling wide at him.

   "Don't forget what I taught you last summer." She winks at him and whips her hair turning away as Corey shakes his head and turns away from Violet.

   "What was that about?" I ask and Charlie shakes his head eyes wide.

   "I have no idea." He says  and we watch as she walks away shaking her butt as she goes.

   I turn and look towards Daisy and the others, all of them staring towards Charlie with hard expressions. There is defiantly something going on that I don't know about, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.


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