The Missing Witch

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   "That was amazing!" Adam cheers as he walks towards where I am standing.

   "That was total SHIT!" Charlie screeches and slicks his hair back as everyone goes quiet. "And it's all your fault." His eyes go to me, they seem almost to be bulging from his thick black makeup. "Care to explain yourself?"

   "Nothing to explain Charlie Brown." I state and he slams his fists into the wall beside me. "What did the wall do? Not produce the right kind of echo?"

   "Shut up Dean..." Timothy whispers and I shrug as I look up at Charlie.

   "I'm pretty sure the only thing that was messed up on those few songs out there. Was our singers inability to match pitch." I mutter and reach for the guitar. Charlie swings his arm slamming it into my nose and I stumble back as he pops his knuckles and grabs the guitar himself.

   "Stay the hell away from my band you worthless piece of shit." Charlie states and pops his neck as he glares at the rest of them. "Get on stage!" He shouts and they hurry up the ramp as I stand there, blood dripping off my lips.

   "This is the first hit to the nose." I mutter and walk out of the backstage area and hurry into the bathroom next door. "From him anyway." I grab some paper towels and tilt my head back pressing the bridge of my nose and holding the towel to my face. "His band..." I mumble and shake my head as I lean into the wall and think about when Charlie was a kid, and used to look up to me.

   "Wow  Dean! You're so cool! I wanna be just like you!" He cheered as he watched me play my brand new guitar.

   "I'll tell you what buddy! One day, I'm going to be in a band, and you're going to be my lead guitarist!" I cheered and Charlie laughed as we made our plans for the future.

    "What a life." I whisper and groan as I try to wipe away some of the blood then walk out of the bathroom.

   I push the music to the back of my head and scan the crowd for someone to hang out with. I find Daisy leaning against the far wall and head towards her. I slam my back into the wall beside her and she glances at me eyes wide. "Dean? What are you doing over here?"

"Charlie kicked me out of the band." I state and shrug as she frowns and hands me a cupcake. "Thanks." I take a big bite and sigh as she looks towards the stage.

"He has Drew in the palms of his hands, slowly crushing her." I nod as I glance around the room.

"Where is Drew?" I ask and Daisy shrugs as she glares at her feet. "I know you two aren't on the right page."

"She's not on the right page Dean, not me." She hisses and I scratch my head as I glance down. "Sorry, still mad about it."

"I can tell." She rolls her eyes and I hear a shout on the middle of the crowd.

Daisy and I share a look before hurrying to the source of the shouts. There, in the center of the crowd, Kenny holds Tina's hand kneeling. Her mouth is covered as tears stream down her face and everyone is silent. "Will you make me the flappiest- err happiest man in the world and Carr- ugh marry me?" He says stuttering and I shake my head trying to hold back the laughter. Daisy digs her elbow into my side and we watch as she slowly nods her head.

"Of course I will!" She cheers and we echo her joyful shouts as they hold one another.

"Pay up bitches!" Violet shouts over the group and we all groan as we pull out our wallets.

"Congrats I'm growing a pair Kenny!" I say and wrap my arms around him as Kenny shoves him slightly and we all laugh.

"Hey, uhh Adam." Violet says and walks up with a guy walking beside her. "I would like to introduce you to my friend Malcolm." She mumbled and Adam looks at her, his eyes shine as he nods and smiles at Malcolm. I watch as she smiles sadly and everyone seems happy and content. I feel my heart swell with joy at all the smiling faces and I shrug and watch as the rest of the night unfolds.


We hurry into the girls cabin, my heart feels heavy and I feel like I can't breath. Tina had called Kenny, we could hardly making out what she was saying because she was freaking out so much. The only word I knew was 'Drew', but that's all I needed to get out and run towards them.

We open the door and find them all standing around with the sheriffs standing around. Kenny goes to Tina's side and I look over to Daisy. Her eyes are wide with fear, she turns to look at me and in her hand she holds a letter. I reach forward and take the paper from her hands and slowly begin to read.

   My throat closes shut it's hard, this isn't anyone's fault, I love you guys so much, I'm sorry, goodbye. I grumble it into my hands and tears roll down my face. My heart breaks and I look around the room. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion, and I watch as the sheriff points to me and Daisy.

   She grabs my hand and pulls me out the door in a rush. My eyes look around as everyone runs and I hear their shouts of worry and sadness. They scream her name, and I soon follow, but I can't hear anything. Only my heart banging in my chest, as I run with Daisy throughout the camp searching for Drew. Praying that she is just sitting somewhere waiting for Charlie to come and rescue her.  I remember the night she found me sitting by the lake and my heart breaks and I cry out louder. I should have seen it then. Maybe I could have stopped this. I could have saved her, this is my fault. It has to be....


Thanks so much for reading!!! I hope you all enjoyed! I have been on vacation and I haven't really been able to write! But don't worry my friends, I will soon fall back into a steady update process! I love you all and thanks again! Much love ❤️

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