Bitter Heart

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   I sit and watch as Andrew slams the ball down on the other side of the next, the other team dives after but misses it. Brittany cheers and they high five as Adam claps from beside me. I sit in silence and watch the ball up and over the the net. My mind races over last night and the fight with Daisy. I sigh loudly and Adam glances over.

   "13." He says and I look over at him with a questionable look. "You have sighed 13 times now." He says and shoulders me lightly. "Are you bugged about what happened with Daisy?"

   "Yeah." I whisper and he nods as I lean forward. "Adam. Is what she said true?" I ask and he stares into my eyes. "Is he really... a terrible person?"

   "He had been at one point." He says and looks to his hands. "Jenny made him that way though, she threatened him a lot, none of it was Charlie himself." He says and looks up placing a hand onto my shoulder. "He loved you Drew, really loves you. I just think Daisy needs a little bit of space."

   "Really?" I ask and he nods as I smile and he pulls me into a hug. "Thanks Adam, hey if there is anything you need, just ask okay?"

   "Actually-" He goes to talk and then a whistle blows signaling the end of the game.

   "We won!" Liam cheers and he high fives Maddie, ignoring Brittany beside her. "So, do you want to... I don't know, get ice cream later?"

   "Oh, sure if you want to." She says and pushes her glasses up as they walk by and Brittany rolls her eyes as she marches off and I stand.

   "We better get them back." I state and Adam nods laughing slightly as we walk back to the main area. I walk and watch as Andrew walks up beside Brittany and I over hear their conversation.

"So. Um, Brittany... do you wanna, I don't know, get some-"

"Don't even finish that sentence Andrew." She says and snorts as she walks away. He hangs his head as kicks a rock and Adam frowns.

"I better go talk to him." Adam says and walks forward clapping him onto the shoulder as he leads him away.

So Adam says it was Jenny, which makes sense because she's a bitch. So then why did Daisy freak out so badly? I don't know what happened during that summer, but obviously Daisy seems to be the only one freaking out about it... Come to think about it, didn't Daisy use to...

I stop in my tracks and I recall how Daisy used to act around Charlie when I was here before. That's right... she used to like Charlie at one point. I shake my head and slowly walk down the road. Is that it? Does Daisy have feeling for Charlie? No no, why would she slap him? I can't think straight at all!

"I need a break!" I shout and push my hair out of my face and groan. "Maybe I can talk to Violet!" I nod and hurry down towards the main center. I find Violet walking towards a fountain and I call out to her. "Violet!"

"Hey Drew." She says as I run up as she smiles slightly. "What is it?"

"I need someone to talk too, you are like the only person that I can talk to about this!" I state and she raises an eyebrow as I begin spouting everything that happened with Daisy. "I mean, I asked Adam and he told me it was because of Jenny but that makes no sense because she like hates him! I just don't understand why she is acting like such a jerk."

"Drew." Violet says and I look at her. Her face is set in a serious expression as she grips my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but, I'm siding with Daisy."

"What?" I ask and Violet smiles slightly. "What do you mean?"

"She's my sister."

"And I'm your friend." I state and she shake shakes her head walking away. "Violet!"

"It's strange." She says turning to cast a glance at me. "You are holding her accountable, you won't even take a glance that is might be Charlie with the issue and not her." Then, she walks away leaving me standing there.


I sit under a tree as the wind blows, my chin rests on my knees as I stare out. Daisy, now Violet. I bite my lip and my heart aches and I fight back tears. No, don't cry over them. Friends leave sometimes, they need time.

"Hey." Charlie sits beside me and I look up at him. "You seem depressed."

"It's nothing, just Violet is kinda taking sides with Daisy." I mumble and sigh as I look at him. "I don't understand what there deal is."

"They are still upset about what happened." He says and I shake my head as I glare out towards them.

"No, see there is no reason. They are acting ridiculous!" I bark and sigh as I hug my knees. "I just thought, that we would always work things out, because we are best friends."

"Maybe they weren't the good friends you thought they were." He says and my head snaps to him. He stares out watching people talk and he shrugs. "I mean, to me, it sounds like that you were their little dog that they dragged you around on a lease. The moment you stop hanging out with them for a little they flipped their switch."

"No..." I whisper and look down at my hands and slowly my mind begins to work and everything clicks together. "Actually, you're right, they have been acting weird since I stopped hanging out with them so much." I state and my head begins to hurt. "So I guess they were never true friends..." He wraps his arms around me holding me close as I sigh. "I don't need them, I have you." I say and he laughs kissing my head and I snuggle into him.

"All we need is each other." He whispers and I nod as I look towards where Daisy and Violet sit talking.

"Yeah, forget them." I whisper and my heart hardens as I look at them. I no longer feel sadness, instead, I feel anger, and the emotion overcomes every memory I've ever had with them.


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