Ropes and Pulling a Trigger

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I look up towards the tree line and my armpits are ponds of water. I groan as they hook my up into a harness and such so I can do the course. Just great, because the last time I did this they used an old rope and it broke.

"Remind me again why I have to go?" I ask looking back at Maddie and Opal smiles weakly.

"Adults go first." Brittany shouts and I roll my eyes as Dean crutches over to me.

"You doing alright?" He asks and I laugh sarcastically at him.

"Yes! Because I'm going to do the thing I almost died from doing before." I mutter and he laughs patting my shoulder gently.

   "You'll do amazing Drew!" He states and pushes me forward and I groan and they hook the rope to my harness. They pull on it to show it is secure and then I climb up the ladder until I reach the very top of the ropes course.

Looking out over the course, my heart sinks and I sigh as I look over my shoulder. Everyone gives me a thumbs up and I shake my head and step forward onto the rope. It sinks slightly and I clutch the rope above me and my heart begins to pound hard in my best, so hard I can't hear them yelling at me from below. I step on with my other foot and begin making a slow and steady walk towards the other side. Don't look down, whatever you do, just don't look down.

   I step onto the platform and turn my sights onto the next part of the course. They look like giant swings, and they are spaced really far apart, so in order to complete this one I'm going to have to swing and jump onto the next one when I get close enough.

   "Wonderful." I mutter and a shot from below catches my attention.

   "You're doing great Drew!" Dean shouts and I groan as I look over my shoulder, behind me at the other section of the course. "Power forward!"

   "Power forward." I repeat to myself and nod and walk to the very edge of the platform and stretch out to grab the swing. It's still too far so I take a few steps back and sprint forward latching onto it and it swings aggressively, but I hold tight.

   "WHOOOO!" I hear shouts from below and I laugh slightly as I begin to climb up where I stand on the board. I extend my arms, gripping the two ropes and slowly begin to swing. It takes a bit of momentum, but when it gets there, I take a deep breath and leap again. "Yes! Go Drew go!" Dean's shouts and I nod as I climb back up and do it again and again. Soon I am at the platform and I turn to look at the final part. "One more Drew!" Opal calls and I nod as I stare at old planks of wood, the final and probably the hardest part. It sways and creaks, some of the board are broke, just swaying knocking into the rope and causes it to shake.

   "I can do this, it's just made to look like it's super scary." I say and step onto the boards. It dips and I creaks loud so I clutch onto my own rope. The board gives a little to my weight as I let out a sharp gasp as I hurry onto the next board. This one is a little more sturdy, and I sigh as I look forward. "This is a long freaking bridge." I shout and I hear laughter as I step onto the next board, and then the next. "This isn't so bad." I say and smile as I get to the middle. "Half way there!" I cheer out and shouts from below make me laugh.

   "Go Drew!" I stop, my head shoots down and my eyes lock with Charlie's. Everything in my body goes cold, and I miss my next step and fall a small ways before the rope catches me and I dangle in the air. Not moving, not able to speech, just staying there, not wanting to go to the other side.


   Of course he shows up. Of course this is happening... I haven't even broken up with him, he's probably wondering why I've been avoiding him. But why now? Why in the middle of a course? And now I can't move, I'm so scared, I'm literally paralyzed in fear! I can't leave here, I have to live up here now. I'll be a bat woman that dwells on the ropes course for the rest of my life.

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