Malcolm Returns and the Man in the Woods

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"Miss Drew." Opal says as she walks along beside me and I  look towards her. "I'm not very athletic, so I was wondering since we are signing up for sports if I really have to do it?"

   "You should at least try Opal." I state as she nods and one of Charlie's campers drapes his arm over my shoulder and her's.

   "I bet you play sports." He says smiling at me as he wiggles his eyebrows. "I'm pretty good if I say so myself."

   "I'm sure you think so." I state and push his arm off of Opal and myself. "I bet you thought that was pretty smooth too." I say and push her along as he folds his arm over his chest.

   "Matter of fact I did." He mutters and I laugh as Charlie walks over  handing me the list of what they all wanted to do.

   "It looks like mainly volleyball." He says as he stretches his arms out. "That should be fun."

   "Yeah sounds like a plan. I'll give it to Tina tonight." I say as write down the total number and sigh quietly. "The next one is, tennis? We have tennis? What the heck..." I mutter as I write the total number again and Charlie pushes the clipboard away from my face. "What are you doing?"

   "You're acting like Tina Drew." He says and smiles at me calmly. "Relax a little, it's summer after all?"

   "Mhm." I hum and smile slightly before writing the total number for the rest of the group. "There, that should be everything."

   "Hey! Is it true that you were the Camp Cinderella?" Maddie asks and I look to her. "We've heard stories about her!"

"You dummy Maddie! She has to be pretty." Brittany states as my eyebrow twitches and Charlie goes to talk.

   "I think she's pretty hot!" Vincent shouts as Brittany rolls her eyes at him.

"You think everyone is hot." She states and he shakes his head.

"Not Patricia!" He points out as she looks at him and gives him the bird. "Yikes."

"H-hey! Lets all be nice!" Opal calls as Trent laughs and pats her head.

"Look at you! You're the little peace maker!" He cheers as she groans and Charlie sticks his fingers into his mouth and blows an ear piercing whistle.

"Listen up! You can ask us question but we have all the right nut to answer them. Also, I expect you all to get along!" He says and folds his arms over his chest. "Drew came to camp around the time the Camp Cinderella came to be, but no one knows who she was." He says and I turn looking at him. "Nor will we ever know."

"Boo." They call and I look over at him as they all begin to talk in their individual group.

"No one knows huh?" I ask as he shrugs and looks down.

"Secret is a secret right?" He asks and gives me a wink as I smile and he looks around before trying to take my hand.

"Well well well!" We jump and turn around and my soul drops. "Looks like little miss bitchy pants is back!"

"Oh hey it's-"

"Malcolm." I mutter as he waves his hand at me and I stare with wide eyes.

    We sit outside the girls cabin, around a small campfire listening to the latest adventures of Malcolm. The whole get together was his idea, and he wanted the guys to show up because as he put 'I'm gay and need something to look at.', seriously can't figure out how no one knew he was gay till recently.

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