The She Demon Appears

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   "Okay so first things first! We need to go check out some of the new activities and see if we even want to do them." Kenny says and Ms. Tina nods as I look at him.

   "That is the worst excuse ever, you just want to go and be young again." Adam states and Kenny whacks him across the head. "Hey!"

   "Shut up." Kenny states and Charlie rolls his eyes as Daisy and Violet smile. "Anyway, lets see what's new shall we?"

"It says here we have a zip line." Ms. Tina mumbles and Violet smiles happily. "A new ropes course is set up too!"

   "Hey hey! You and Dean should do that again and get the new record!" Daisy says and I look over at Dean as he shrugs and I fold my arms.

   "Someone holds the new record?" I ask and Dean slides in tossing an arm over my shoulder.

   "Yeah a bunch of nobodies!" He says and smiles at me.

   "Nice to know you haven't changed." I mutter and push his arm off of my shoulders as I step away as Adam wiggles between us.

   "Oh common you two! Lets not have a spat!" He says and drapes his arms around us.

   "I wasn't trying to fight with her." Dean says and leans forward. "I just thought since it's been so long, we should get to know each other on a more personal level." He gives me a wink and I grimace as Adam shakes his head.

   "You perv!" I hiss and he leans forward smiling happily.

   "There's the spicy girl I remember!" Dean purrs and Kenny clears his throat.

   "Okay so what should we try out everyone?" He calls and we all look over at him.

   As we were arguing, Tina had finished the list of new things and none of us were listening. I search in the back of my head for something that I could remember hearing and only one thing comes forward.

   "Lets do the zip line." I say and everyone else nods in agreement as I look over at Charlie. He gives me a shy smile and my heart bangs in my chest as we move up towards the hillside.


The walk up is rather intense as we turn a corner and resting between the trees is a shack. I look over at a small group of people who work for the camp as they wave at us. Kenny gives them a wave back as we walk over and a lady greets us.

"Nice to see you Kenny!" She says and they shake hands as she looks at us. "Well, you came at a good time, a group just finished." She says and leads us into the shack. The inside has several different platforms with lines connecting to the roof that cascade down through a path. "We have eight lines, each go the same direction but the trees work as a curtain.
It really is a peaceful ride, it goes over the lake too!"

"That sounds great!" Kenny says and she nods as she directs us to our own lines. A girl hooks me up to the line making me step into a weird harness and setting a helmet onto my head.

"Hold onto to this role the whole time with both hands." She says indicating to the thick rope that is tied to the chest harness on my body. I grab hold of it and she leads me to the edge of the platform. "Now, sit into the harness." I put all my weight onto it and I feel myself drop and the harness gives me great support. "Ready?" She asks and I take in a deep breath giving a little nod as I feel her hands push me forward.

The noise of the metal clip on the line sounds kinda weird. Like a really loud zipper being zipped. The smell of pine needles and sap fills the air as I whip through the trees. The wind whistles in my ears mixing with the zipper noises and I glance down. The scenery below is blurry, but if I look to the side, it feels as if I'm moving in slow motion. Tree by tree, I can smell the lake the farther I go, and then in an instant. It's there, right in front of me. It's so amazingly beautiful, I almost forget to keep both hands on the rope. I hear a shout to my left and glance over to see Violet cheering, and to my right Charlie holds a fist in the air before quickly grabbing hold of the rope again. It feels good, like I'm flying kinda. The wind is so fierce it's like I can't breath, but yet, I have all the air in the world. An unexplainable feeling of freedom overwhelms me and I hope it never ends.


I hit something and it begins to slow down as I approach yet another shack. I raise my feet up as I land on the platform and they pull me to my feet. They help me with my gear and I smile as I pull the helmet off and meet up with the others.

"Daisy I heard you scream and I was 3 lines away from you!" Abigail laughs as Daisy rolls her eyes.

"It was scary!" She states and Dean chuckles as he ruffles her hair.

"It was just a little zip line!" He says and she groans as he pulls his hands away and Lucy hugs Daisy.

"Don't worry about him! He's a butt!" She says and Daisy shakes her head as Violet stretches her arms out.

"Seconds anyone?" She says and we all step forward.

"Totally!" We cheer as Daisy groans and I hear a theist being cleared as we all turn.

"I knew I smelled the blood of children..." Abigail whispers as I look up to see some one stand on before us.

"Hello losers." She says and I instantly know that voice to be Jenny's. I turn and look, same snobby look she gave me three years ago, and I take a deep breath and think of the nicest thing I could possibly say. "Looks like the cat dragged in a nasty rotten rat." She holds her nose and I grip my hands and tilt me head to the side.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask and her face goes angry in .5 seconds and I give a smile.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!!! Please, give it a vote, comment, add and or follow me for more updates to this story! Thank you again! I love you guys so much!!!

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