Prolouge 2

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Hey guys! So we are now officially in part two of our book! I REALLLLY wanna tell you guys what is going to go down, like right NOW, buuuuuut I can't do that because that would ruin the story 😬 so instead, I will do this little prologue which is virtually the same as the 1st one 😅.

Drew Campbell: 19 years old and former camper. It's been three years since her last visit and she is kinda nervous about returning after such a long time. She is also known as the Camp Cinderella.

Violet and Daisy Evers: Two 19 year old fraternal twins who are Drew's best friends. Both have went to the camp ever since they could, and now plan on being counselors.

Malcolm Frits: 20 year old gay guy that no one knows is gay, except Drew. Incredibly high standard and very jealous when it comes to Violet and Daisy. Still hates Drew with a passion.

Dean Andrews: 20 years old and still sings and such but not as much as he used to. He happens to still be annoying and talks to much. But he now knows his place in the world.

Charlie Andrews: 18 (almost 19) brother to Dean. He is still quiet but he never forgot the girl he loved years before. Sings more than Dean does, and enjoys his time with the band. Still waiting for Cinderella to return.

Ms. Tina: camp counselor who is always in people's business. Claims Violet, Daisy, and Drew as her own. She is 29 and is still overly perky to everyone she meets. Annoys the hell out of Drew, but drew loves her more than she lets on. She is the girlfriend of Kenny Adams.

Kenny Adams: Kenny is the counselor for the boys group. He is still a huge muscle head, but pretty much delicates his time to his girlfriend Tina.

Adam Quorts: 20 years old, and he is the drummer to Black Eclipse Rising.  He's a handsome guy and happens to have his heart taken by Violet. He says they are together, but Violet say otherwise. 

Jenny Jane: 21 year old girl who absolutely hates Drew. She is extremely over herself and needs to dress more appropriate. Thinks she can have every boy at camp. She still believes that Charlie and  Dean are in love with her and plans on showing everyone the truth.

Jason Polker: was the lead singer to Corpses Rising. Him and Dean kinda get along now... Good looking son of a gun  and super cool and kind! 20 years of age! Possible in love with someone? 😱

Timothy Williams: the adorable violinist pianist, etc, of Black Eclipse Rising. About 19 years.

William (Will) Timons: 19 years old and the bass guitarist to the band. Jealous of Charlie for being the lead but loves him like a brother. Sadly isn't here but he needed to be mentioned.

Abigail Fields: the amazing dancer in the group. Beautiful and seems to have a thing for Timothy. 18 years old.

Lucy Q. :Abigail's best friend and the one who writes like a boss. Freaking adorable and the smallest of the group. Same age as Abigail.

Corey Mathews: An Amazing athlete and a counselor for a rivaling group. He and Violet are still rivals, but over groups instead of sports. 20 years old.

New characters!

Brittany Vanderbilt: A counselor at the camp who seems to know Charlie and Dean very well. Even though she has her own group, she never seems to be with them. 20 years old.

Neville Peterson: He is a very sophisticated guy who always has his bling hair slicked back. He is a very rich person and no one knows exactly why he is at the camp. He seems to spend most of his time looking at someone in the group, but who? 🤗 He is 19 years old. 





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