Week One Ends and Free Time

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   Birds tweet happily as I step outside, the morning sun shines down and I stretch my arm towards it. What a beautiful day... I yawn as I turn around and Daisy walks out the door, she trudges along sleepily and I smile at her. She stares at me with a narrow look and I smile more as she groans.

   "Why are you so happy this morning?" She mutters as she walks beside me. "Man I'm so tired."

"Really?" I ask as I turn and shrug a little and she sighs loudly. "I feel totally fine. "

   "Yeah, it's weird..." She says and I roll my eyes as she yawns and I look towards the sky. The orange and pink with blankets of white cotton clouds hang over head. A scene from a painter's canvas. Everything is so vivid and bright, my whole body hums with excitement.

Daisy walks along, her shoulders slumped in disappointment as I walk along beside her. She groans kicking at the dirt as I smile looking forward. This morning, she and I have switched personalities, or so it seems. Her usually sunny attitude is gone, covered with the groggy sleep walking monster she is now.

"Why are you so happy anyway?" She mutters as she opens the door to the cafeteria and I look forward where all the guys sit already. My eyes land on Charlie as he bites into an apple and smiles talking with Timothy. My heart flutters and last night comes dancing back into my brain. The kiss, the wonderful kiss I had waited three years to have, happened last night, and I can't even tell anyone!

"I guess I just slept really good." I whisper and Charlie looks up making eye contact with me, and in an instant, he smiles. My heart jumps into my throat as I smile back and Daisy looks at me. "See you around." I whisper and instinctively go to Charlie.

"Hey..." I hear her call but ignore her and sit down beside Charlie. "Good morning." He whispers as I smile and nod.

   "Good morning to you as well." I say as he turns his head away and continues to eat. "How'd you sleep?"

   "Pretty good." I say as he nods and Dean looks up from his head resting on the table. "Dean..."

   "Drew." He mutters and lies his head back down. "I slept like shit, thanks for asking." I watch as he grumbles a few more words I can't quiet catch and look at Adam.

   "He had a terrible night last night." Adam explains and Charlie frowns as I nod and Kenny plops down by us. "Hey Kenny!"

   "Good morning!" Kenny cheers as he stretches his arms out hitting Daisy on the forehead as she goes to sit. "Oops."

   "Owe..." She hisses and slams her tray down next to Dean. He looks up glaring deeply towards her and scoots his body away from her.

   "She is cranky as well." Violet says as she sits next to Adam and he smiles at her. "You seem chipper this morning Kenny."

   "Indeed!" He cheers and Dean's head shoots up and we all go quiet. He glares at each of us, his eyes like knifes, and he sits his head back on the table. "Anyway, since today is Sunday-"

   "Today is Sunday?" I ask eyes wide and he nods as I look at Charlie. "The first week is already over?"

   "Seems strange huh?" He asks and smiles slightly as I nod and Kenny clears his throat.

   "As I was saying, since today is Sunday, I have decided to give you all free time to hang out. No activities are listed for today anyway, so I find it quiet perfect."

   "We don't have to deal with all those kids today?" Violet asks and he shrugs slightly.

   "You will still have to watch them, but that will be during when we go to eat or head back to the cabin at dark." He explains and her eyes gleam as she and Adam throw their arms around one another.

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