Plate of Waffles and the Biggest Insult

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   I don't trust Dean... he has this funny look in his eyes. I've tossed and turned all night last night, his words echoing around in my head like it's an empty hallway, and his words are the constant ticking of a distant clock. What is he planning? I really can't say, but I'm afraid that it's going to do a lot more damage than I would ever intend to do. I do want Charlie to hurt, realllly bad, but I don't want to stoop to that level. To HIS level.

   "Hey, stop making that face." Someone slaps the top of my head and I snap out of my thoughts. "I mean if your going to look at my gift to you like that I will eat it myself!"

   "Huh?" I ask and he nods downward. I look at the table and my eyes go wide, there sitting in front of me, is a plate filled with 4 perfectly cooked- "Waffles!" I screech and stab one with my fork and shove it into my mouth. "My word... I'm in heaven."

   "Then I must be an angel!" Dean cheers and plops down beside me. "Daisy said that you had been in a sour mood this whole time because you weren't able to get waffles." He says and I glance at him for a split second and then look back at my golden beauties. "I could give you some whipped cream with that, but I will need a thank you first."

   "THANK YOU!" I scream and he laughs holding out a can of whipped cream. I yank it out of his hand and begin spraying, basically, the entire can atop the waffles. "You don't happen to have chocolate syr- AHHH! You do!" He takes the bottle and squirts some syrup on top of my whip cream.

   "Just tell me when to stop!" He says and I nod as I watch  intently. A minute passes by or so, and I finally hold up my hand. "Are you sure you like waffles? I mean, there is more cream and chocolate than the golden yumminess by now."

   "I like my waffles in a specific way. Don't judge."

   "It is not my place to judge." He says and begins to eat on a banana. "It is the almighty."


   "No!" He laughs and I smile as I look up and across the way I see Charlie, standing, staring intently towards us.

   "Dean. He's looking at us." I mumble and I turn to look at him to find his face ridiculously close to mine.

   "Oh I know he is. It is called jealousy Drew." Dean states and I shake my head as I bite my waffle sadly.

  "Why would he be jealous? He cheated on me." I state and sigh as Dean shakes his head.

   "Nu uh! You are eating your happy food when sad!" He barks and I look at him. "Please, stop being sad."

   "What is your plan anyway?" I mutter and Dean smile as he leans into me. His chest pushes against my shoulder gently and his hot breath tickles my ear.

   "We are going to make him think that you've moved on already." He says and everything clicks in.

   "And who better to move on with than his older brother!" I say and Dean nods as I laugh and look down. "Isn't that kinda dirty though?"

   "I think this as, more of an experiment, now what he did to you, that was dirty!" Dean states and I nod as I shake my head. "Hey, if you really don't want to do this, then we don't have to."

   Looking at Dean, I can see the truth in his eyes. He really just wants me to heal, to feel better, and it doesn't really matter how. He's so different from the Dean I knew before, or could this actually be the real Dean? 3 years ago I was so focused of trying to get Charlie's attention I never got to get to know Dean for real, not to mention he was always kind of a douche. Seeing him now though, I feel like, this is him.... Come to think of it, Dean was always acting strong, trying to prove to people something, though I didn't know why, but when we hung out sometimes, he was unsure of himself, scared, and he seems that way now. Nervous, but kind, only wanting to help someone and cheer someone up, and he's proven that by putting the choice as to weather we do this into my hands. No matter how badly Charlie did me wrong, I don't really wish to do this, I feel like it wouldn't make me feel better. It will just make me question why he cheated on me if he really does get super jealous. Dean will understand why I can't do it.


  "HEY!" I turn up to see Charlie, seething in anger, but it's not directed to me, his eyes are piercing through Dean. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

   "Enjoying a nice toasty waffle with Drew." Dean exclaims, not fazed at all. "What are you doin'?"

   "You're flirting with her, and she doesn't like it!" Charlie hisses and I raise an eyebrow. Pardon me sir... I will slap the shit outta you.

"How do you know what she likes? Pretty sure the only thing that thinks on your body is your head, and it's not the one attached to your neck." Dean states and I shake my head as I look around. The room has gone silent and you look over to see Daisy silently freaking out as Abigail slowly holds up her phone.

"How about you get the hell away from my woman!" Charlie says and steps into Dean's face.

"She is a human freaking being Charlie, and she has a name and it is beautiful as hell so use it you piece of shit." Dean hisses and Charlie glares at him deeply. "Last I checked, she dumped you, so just take your bow and leave." Charlie slams his hands into Dean's chest, pushing him back a few steps. Murmurs fill the room and Dean groans taking off his jacket tossing it onto the ground.

Don't do it Dean.

He must have heard my mind pleading, because he looks over to me, and stops. His eyes sink into mine and I feel all his anger seem to seep away. He straightens up, and shakes his head.

"I'm not going to fight you." Dean states and Charlie's hands clench up more.

"You wimping out on me?" Charlie asks and Dean shrugs and kicks his jacket towards Charlie. "The hell I want with your jacket?!"

"Not only am I not going to fight you, I will also give you a gift." He says and Charlie picks it up staring at it then to Dean. "There's no catch." He says and turns towards me, I smile thinking of how mature he is, but of course, he has to have the last freaking word. "Not to mention, it's going to be extremely hard scrubbing out the herpes after you touched it with your STD infested hands."

"You son of a bi-"

"Enough!" I scream and step between Charlie and Dean before Charlie can grab him. "Dean, shut the hell up, you're the older brother, act like it at least!" Dean huffs and I shake my head and look up at Charlie. "You stay the hell away from me. You are nothing to me and I am nothing of yours nor will I ever be."


"Can it you pancake eating dick for breath pansy ass bitch." I say and grab Dean's wrist and march out of the room. My head hurts and once we are outside Dean slowly pulls his hand back and stares at me.

"That was something Drew..."

"I know... I called him the worst possible thing I can think of."

"Those weren't pretty nice, but I mean I could think of worse."

"No, being a pancake eater is the worst possible thing I could call you."

"Yeah... right." He says and I stare at my feet. "You know, I never got your answer, before Pancake Prick decided to bust into our conversation. What do you want to do Drew?"

I will admit, I didn't like the way his eyes hurt, the way he looked at me like I had betrayed him, but he technically betrayed me. I hate the way he looked, how down he seems but the thing that overtakes it all is my anger. He treated me as an object and that is something I cannot over look.

"I'm in."


Thanks so much for reading everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed! Please give it a vote, comment, add and or follow for more updates! I hope you all had amazing holidays and can't wait to hear what you guys thought of this chapter! See you all again soon!!!

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