The Campers Arrive and the Band First Performance.

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"I don't wanna do anything today." I sigh as I sit down with yet another bowl of cereal. "I have yet to have a single crispy waffle. I might as well be dead."

"Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?" Jason asks as I take a swig of orange juice and Daisy sighs.

"Sadly she is not. Waffles Wednesday's, ever week, and you can't skip it." Daisy points out and Jason looks at me as I munch on some Honey O's and Charlie sits beside me.

"Were you guys able to sneak back in last night?" Charlie asks and I nod as he smiles wide. "That's great, we were too."

"That's good." I say and Dean plops down a plate filled with eggs.

"Those damned waffle stealing jerks." He mutters and looks over towards Jenny's table and he shivers. "I can't believe I dated that witch."

"I can't either." I say and he looks over at me. "She is pretty evil, other than stealing waffles."

"Yeah, she's the awful one." Adam hisses and Dean elbows him as Adam shuts his mouth.

"Am I missing something?" I ask and Dean shakes his head smiling at me.

"Not a thing!" He says and Kenny plops down his face bright with a huge smile. "Smile any bigger and your face will split down the middle."

"It's Arrival day!" Kenny cheers as Ms. Tina nods and sits beside him. "Not to mention you guys get to perform!"

"Oh yeah that." Dean mutters and clears his throat as he shovels some eggs into his mouth.

"With William being gone, who's going to play bass?" Lucy asks and Adam looks towards Jason.

"Can you play bass?" Adam asks him and he nods as Dean lets out a huge laugh.

"Oh great!" He cheers and stabs his egg fiercely.

"Hey! What did the egg do to you?" Violet asks and he grumbles complaints as Charlie nods.

"Then Jason will play bass." He says and all the guys nod and I look over at Dean.

He sits quietly, his plate still piled up with eggs, but for the rest of that morning, he never eats another bite.


I stand at the meeting center, watching as more and more campers show up. I stand underneath a piece of paper that has our cabin number on it and watch as campers run and hug each other. I wonder if I would have been like that if I had came back. So excited to see them all again, and what would it be like now if I had came back before now? I watch as a girl and a boy embrace each other passionately and my mind wanders. Would that have been Charlie and I, if were that age.

"Hey Drew, can you help me out over here!" Abigail shouts and I hurry over to the table where she is. "All these bracelets are tangled!"

"I see." I mutter and begin to help her unravel the puzzling ball of bracelets. We stand there trying to unravel them as Daisy and Violet show up.

"All our girls are accounted for!" Daisy says and turns looking out over all the campers. "This is going to be so cool!"

"Is anyone else concerned that we hardly had a class over how to take care of them?" Lucy asks as she sets the bracelets out after we untangle them.

"I believe Kenny's exact words were 'you were that age too!' That was all the advice we had." Violet shrugs it off and leans against the wall sighing dramatically. "I'm ready to get this show on the road!"

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