Guilty Hearts and an Old Friend

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"Oh my god....." I mumble as I stare at Adam and he slowly smiles. "No one knows?"

"Well, you do now." He says and I slowly sit down and push my hands to my head. "Drew, are you okay?"

"No!" I shout and hug my knees. "You are literally dating one of my best friends!" I say and look at him. "Are you sure you aren't bi?"

"No, I'm defiantly gay..." He mutters and sits down beside me.

"Have you always been?"

"No, it kinda just happened one day... I was just hanging around and then.... boom. I kisses Violet and felt nothing, but there was this guy, and I was nervous and sweaty, and I kinda had an e-"

"WHOA!" I shout and he stops as I rub my forehead. "You have to tell her, like right now!"

"I can't!" He says and covers his face. "I've been trying to find the best way to tell her, and I can't..." he whispers and looks down. "I really can't..."

"Then I will tell her." I state and he jumps up grabbing my arm.

"No please don't! I'm still thinking... You know, how to do it, the right way." He says and fidgets with his hands together. "Don't tell anyone, okay? I just need your help to tell her."

"I don't think there is a right way to tell your girlfriend of 3 years that you are gay." I point out and shake my head. "Even Hallmark doesn't make that card."

"I'm screwed." He mutters and I pat his shoulder slowly.

"Hey! Maybe Charlie could help out!" I say and his head snaps up.

"No! Do NOT tell Charlie!" Adam says and I raise and eyebrow as he hugs his knees. "Anyone but him...."

I don't say anything else, instead I just look out at the trees, sitting close by him, and wonder why he would say that.

Anyone but Charlie? What does that even mean? Why would he say that? I just don't understand, what happened while I was gone? I am just so confused, maybe I should ask Charlie myself... No, that would lead to some questions from Charlie and I don't want him to get mad at me. Hmmmmm....

   "That's a pretty weird face." I turn and look over to Dean as he opens a bottle of water. "You seem deep in thought."

   "Cause I am." I mutter as I look over at him and sigh loudly. "You would never understand."

   "How come?"

   "You don't have enough brain power to even process thoughts."

   "Wow. You seem rather upset about something." He says and I stop staring at him. "Yes?"

   "No snide remarks?" I ask and he shrugs leaning forward and taking a drink.

   "I am more mature Drew." He says and stretches his arms back. "Now, do you want to talk about it, or continue to walk around  and pout?"

   He's acting really weird, but I really do think I should tell someone. I can't tell Charlie, because Adam said no. It's going to way on me, especially since this is Violet's boyfriend. What to do what to do??

I look at Dean as he drinks his water walking along beside me. My mind buzzes and I grab the sleeve of his shirt. Turning, he gives me a smile as I lean forward. "Common, we need to find a less populated place." I say and he laughs as I pull him along.

"That sounds rapey." He laughs and I groan as we hurry off away from the others.


   I stare at him, waiting for a reaction, but he simply sits there staring back at me. My eyebrows twitch slightly and I clear my throat. "Well?" I say and he raises and eyebrow.

"You seriously thought that I wouldn't know?"

"You know?!" I shout and he nods firmly as I rub my forehead. "How can you know? He only told me."

"Drew, he's my best friend. I would notice if something changed with him." He states and I nod as I lean on my heels staring towards a cloud.

"Alright, since you know everything. How come he told me not to tell Charlie." I ask and he slowly turns towards me, his eyes seem duller than the sparkle he had before. He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes as he ruffles my hair.

"No idea!" He says and walks away as I stand watching him leave. "You coming?" He shouts never looking back and I sigh walking forward. The more I look into this issue, the more confusing and the more sketchy it gets.

Dean and I approach Charlie as he stands talking to someone. A girl stands there with long black hair, the two laugh hysterically at something he has said and Dean begins to slow down. Charlie glances up and his smile falls instantly as the girl turns and her eye brighten.

"DEAN!" She screams and jumps into his arms as he laughs as hugs her tightly. "It's been like forever!"

"Feels that way doesn't it?" He chuckles and she looks to me.

"Charlie I thought you said Dean didn't have a girlfriend?" She says and Charlie narrows his eyes pulling me to his side.

"He doesn't. This is my girlfriend Drew." He says and she turns batting her eyelashes at me and giving me a big smile. "Drew, this is our childhood friend Brittany." He says and she stretches out her hand clasping mine and shaking it rapidly.

"You're Charlie's girlfriend?!" She says and gives me a wicked smile. "Well well." She mumbles and her eyes go wide. "YOUR SO ADORABLE!!!"

"WHAT?!" I shout and she hugs my tightly pushing her overbearing cleavage in my face.


I'm so sorry for the late update 😓 I've been overloaded with a few things! I hope you guys enjoyed! Please give it a vote, comment, add and follow for more updates! I should start updating sooner considering I fished with all the stuff I was having to do. I love you all!!!

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