Day One Ends, The Drama Begins

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   We stand looking at each other, her face is set in a hard glare, and I simply stare at her. Her face is a deep shade of red, showing his much hate she is feeling. It really makes her blue eyes pop, she honestly resembles tinker bell with her blond hair pulled up into a bun.

   "You know who I am. No one forgets me." She says and I lean forward staring into her face. I shrug and lean back as I give her a look.

   "Sorry, nope." I say and she glares leaning into my face as I scrunch up my face. "Wait a second... I think I do remember you! You're the girl who was chasing Dean!"

   "You're the girl who couldn't even tell Charlie your real name. I would have done the same if I had a face like yours." She gives me a wicked smile and I blink as I stare at her blankly.

   "That sounds like a comeback from a 3 year old." I mutter and she steps forward as I hold my breath.

   "Nice to know you're still a total bitch." Jenny hisses and I hold my nose stepping back.

   "Say it don't spray it." I say and her eyes burn with rage. "Also, you seriously need a breath mint."

   "You little shit!" She barks and goes to slap me. A dry sound echoes out but I feel nothing. I open my eyes and standing there is Charlie. "C-Charlie! I'm so sorry!" She says and he glares at her.

   "Leave, now." He says and glares at her. She pulls her hands to her side and looks back to me.

   "This isn't over." She says as she turns on her heels and walks away. 

   "What a sweet girl she is." I say sarcastically as I look over at Charlie. "Are you alright?"

   "I'm fine." He says and smiles at me shyly. "I didn't want her to hit you, so I did what I had to do." I smile slightly as we begin to walk down the hill.

   It's the strangest thing, no one says a word to Charlie, no one asks if he's okay, Daisy and Violet stand beside, saying words of encouragement, Violet threatens to go and give Jenny a piece of her own mind, but no one asks if Charlie is okay. I look at his face, it is quiet red from where she hit him.

"Don't you need some ice for that?" I ask as I step up beside him leaving Daisy and Violet.

"No, I'm really fine." He says and gives me a smile, his usual crooked smile.

"Thank you for that. You didn't have to step into that." I say and he looks down slightly shrugging. "Really, you shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay. I wasn't going to let her hit you." He says and I smile gently as he looks down and blushes.

We continue up the hill and soon reach the platform where Kenny and Tina wait patiently for us. They wave at us as we reach the top and we look up to see the sun beings to descending behind the trees.

"Looks like it's dinner time everyone!" Kenny cheers as Adam yells out joyfully and runs towards the center. We laugh softly as we all follow after his trail of dust.


I step out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my body. The mirrors are covered in a white cloud of steam and I wipe it off. I can hardly see my face after I wipe the foggy residue away. The room is humid and I open the door letting the steam waft into the bathroom. Over in the corner on the sink is my clothes and I grab them and change quickly. My shorts are a little shorter than I remember, and I tug them down as I step out of the room and into the main area where everyone else is. Violet lays on the couch tossing a basketball up and catching it, working on her shot. Daisy lays on her bed reading a book, and Lucy writes away in her notebook. Abigail is listening to music with her face pressed into the pillow. Ms. Tina sits on her bed writing in her schedule book, and I grab my phone reading a few messages that were sent to me from Charlie.

Charlie: "Hey, we are having a bonfire tonight, you guys should come."

Dean: "smores over heeerrreeeee."

Adam: "Party party!"

Charlie: "Just let me know so I can tell Kenny... I really hope you come."

"Hey did you guys get messages about a bonfire?" I ask and they all look at their phones.

"Ooh a bonfire!" Daisy says sitting up and reading her messages. "I was so focused on the book I had no idea they were texting me!"

"You're always focused on a book." Violet grumbles and stands up pulling on her shoes. "Well, lets go!"

I grab my shoes and pull them on as we step outside of the cabin. The moon hung high in the sky, a crescent moon to be exact, and the night air felt good against my skin. The cold wind blows through my damp hair and sends a chill down my spine. The brightness of the stars can be seen as the peel between branches of the trees. We continue to walk until we find our ways down the the shore of the lake. A large pit sits in the middle of a group of boys with a fire burning brightly. The flames stretch and wave in the air sending a billow of white smoke up with it. The smell of burning wood fills the air and we make our approach towards them.

"We have arrived!" Violet shouts and soon sits at Adam's side. He smiles at her, a very shy smile, and he takes her hand in his.

   "Hey Ab." Timothy says and she takes her seat next to him. I walk over and take a seat next to Charlie, and he gives me a little nudge of the shoulder.

   "Alright! Now since the girls are here, lets break open the smores." Dean says happily as pulls out a giant bag of jumbo marsh mellows. He hands everyone an unraveled hanger I stick my marshmallow onto it and hold it over the flames.

   "Things are about to get gross!" Violet says directing it towards me and I roll me eyes.

   "How so?" Dean asks as he twists his marshmallow over the flames, trying to get that even golden brown color.

   "Drew over here, loves to burn them." Daisy says and they all look at me.

   "It's good." I state and Adam makes a funny noise as my marshmallow catches on fire and I hold it and blow it out. "Perfect!" I cheer staring at the semi-charred mallow on the hanger.

   "So gross..." Violet mutters and I stick my tongue out as I set it on the prefix chocolate and gram-cracker set up. I smush it in the middle and take a bite smiling wide.

   "So good!" I cheer happily as I take another bite. The marshmallow sticks to my face and Charlie chuckles wiping it off the side of my face. "I'm a little messy."

   "A little! You should see her room. It's like hurricane Katrina up in there!" Violet shouts and I glare across the flames towards her.

   "I think it's cute." Charlie says and my eyes widen at his words. There isn't even blush on his cheeks as he stares at me with a crooked smile.

   "Here." I look over and Dean holds out a Sprite towards me. "Isn't it your favorite?" He asks and I nod slightly as I take the can and open it.

   "I don't remember telling you that." I say and take a drink. He shrugs as he fixes his s'more and then looks up at the sky.

   "Well, you drank it all the time at camp the last time." He says and I stare at him.

   "How do you remember that?" I ask and he glances over me from looking at the sky.

   "Some things just stick with me I guess." He says and gives me a vague smile as he takes a bite of his s'more. I frown slightly and look up towards the sky. The stars I had seen before are now covered in a light sheet of clouds.


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