Chapter 13

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In the morning, I was walking to Cheerios practice when I hear Coach telling Mercedes to lose weight.

Mercedes ran outside to the field and I followed her, I grabbed her hand "Mercedes wait!" She stopped and looked like she was about to cry.

"Mercedes, you are beautiful in every single way" Mercedes looks at me shocked"You heard..." she says shocked and I hugged her. "Do you want me to give you my recipe for the smoothie for the Cheerios" she nods "well it's my own recipe and everyone drinks so... okay it's strawberry, blueberry and some milk but the milk what doesn't have any fat inside of it".

She hugs me "Thank you Em, you are a good friend" I wipe her tears from her eyes and smile at her. She waves bye and walks away.

Santana and Brittany are walking towards me they both look abit sad"What's wrong?" I ask them and they look away so I grab their chins and they face me.

"Are u cheating on us?" Santana asks me and I shake my head and I feel tears coming to my eyes"No, I would never cheat on you guys, Coach said Mercedes had to lose weight and she ran here and I wiped her tears away and I told her my recipe for the Cheerios smoothie".

They sigh of relief and I just look at the both of them, they come towards me and hug me really tight.

I chuckle at how sorry they are, they keep saying "sorry for not trusting you Em". I nod and kiss their cheeks and that makes them smile.

Coach Sue reserved the auditorium for Cheerios so we can't have glee club in here, Me Shue had to find a space for us to practice in.

He visits a local roller rink where he finds former glee club member April Rhodes, who tells him that she is the mistress of the wealthy eighty-year-old tycoon who owns the rink.

I walk to San and Britt and go to my car to go to the roller rink, once we got there, Mr Shue was with that April Rhodes who I hate, My mum and her were Enemies.

April spotted me with Santana and Brittany and came to me and hugged me "Emily, How are you?" I pull away from her "Um...Good?" She smiles at me.

We practice there with the glee club, I knew how to stake because Me, My mum and Gracie used to come here, for the girls night.

After practice Mr Shue and April go home and we do too...April goes home with Mr Shue, He forbids April from staying over again and tells her she is worth more than being a mistress. April says she will break up with her tycoon.


I walk to the cafeteria line and see Brittany and Santana and Mercedes talking, I walk closer to them and they are talking about they stay so skinny even though they still drink my smoothie.

Mercedes walks away with nothing only her smoothie, she walks to the glee club, I get my salad and walk to the glee table.

I see Mercedes shouting at people saying that they want her to eat them, and then... She faints! I ran to Mercedes and everyone is crowding me, I pour my water over her face, what gets her up.

I walk with her to the nurse's office, the nurse says that Mercedes blood sugar is going down, so I go in my bag and get a snickers bar out of it and give it to her, she declines "Mercedes, I know you are hungry, just please eat this, you are beautiful in every single way, in assembly you should sing a song what would make everyone motived" Mercedes grabs the chocolate bar and eats it.

I smile and walk out of the Nurse's office and I go to the glee table and they are clapping when I sit down they stop "Why were you guys clapping?" I ask them and they smile "Because you helped Mercedes to the nurse's office and you helped her wake up".

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