Chapter 20

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I was walking with Santana to the choir room to tell Rachel why she send Sunshine to a crackhouse. When I found Rachel in the choir room

"Rachel! Why did you send Sunshine to a crackhouse!"

"YOU WHAT!" Puck shouted at Rachel.

"You sent her to a freaking crack house!" I screamed .

"A non-functioning one" said Rachel smartly.

"She could have still gotten seriously hurt!" Tina said fiercely.

"You're so selfish Man-Hands. You couldn't expect that she is just as talented as you!" Santana snapped at her.

"I couldn't believe you would do that", Quinn said.

"Yeah Rachel, ducks can be super dangerous" said Britt.


"You said quack house, duh," Brittany replied.

"No we said crack house" exclaimed Artie


"Anyway," Mike said

"It's not right, Rachel" Kurt said, very Angry.

"URGH" Rachel threw her hands up in frustration and stormed out of the room.

I followed Rachel out, to try and get a explanation.


"What do you want?"

"I'm not going to judge you, I just need a explanation?" I asked.

"Okay, I didn't want her ruining the bond, we have," she said.

"Lies" I said

"You just couldn't stand that she was so good at singing, you thought she would take your spot and you would be swaying in the back like the rest of us!" I said and then walked away, leaving her speechless.

I went back to the choir room and I got Santana hand, because the bell went for next class.

We had Maths, in Maths I wasn't really concreting on the lesson I was only looking at Santana.

I saw she was struggling so I put my hand on her hand and I smiled to her and she smiled to me. I did her work for me and she whispered in my ear "Are your parents back home?" She asks me and I go to whisper "No they don't come back until Sunday" she nods and puts her hand on my thigh.

"I'll come around your house today, okay babe" she says and I nod, we go back to the choir room. Finn had joined the football team again because he is wearing his letterman jacket.

After school I walked to my car with Santana and when we got home, I wanted to watch a movie with Santana, My Mum got our next door neighbour to come in and check on me.

The bell rang, I thought it was Mrs Moretti but it was Brittany, I grabbed her hand and bring her to the movie room where Santana was.

Santana sat up "Britt what are you doing here?" Santana asks and I sat down next to Santana, the movie we were going it watch 'Before I Fall'.

Brittany just shrugs "Well.. Britt if you aren't going to answer us then can you please leave" I say to her a bit sad.

"I want the both of you" Brittany says "What? What about Artie" Santana asks. "Artie was just there when I didn't see the both of you, in the summer I went to Brazil and Artie was there and we just started hanging out then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" Brittany says with tears "I only said yes because I didn't see the both of you for about 5 weeks" I nod and hug Brittany.

"It's okay Brittany, you can't break up with Artie Britt, if he makes you happy then stay with him" I say, Santana nods and grabs my hand.

"But I want the both of you" Brittany says, "Britt, you can't break up with Artie just because of us, we are fine we have each other we will be okay" I say and look at Santana.

After 30 minutes, Brittany leaves and me and Santana are watching, Before I fall and I cry and Santana wipes my tears and I wipe hers. She pulls me close to her and kisses my cheek.

I kiss Santana and Santana smiles into me, Santana pushes me to my chair until it's all the way back, Santana brings me to my rooms and pins me to my bedroom door.

She kisses my collarbone making me arch my body into hers, Santana knew how much I loved her kisses, Santana bring me to my bed and pinned my hands above my head and kissing my neck...

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