Chapter 42

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Not an original chapter.

So today is Gracie's 12th birthday. So at school I walked into the choir room with a smile on my face.

I'm at the back with Jake, Jess, Izzy and Daniel and Brittany in front of me with Louis.

Mr Shue walks inside the choir room and I put my hand up. "Emily?" Mr Shue says to me and I walk to the front.

"Okay, so today is my little sister's birthday who's turning 12 at 4pm so me, Gabriel, My mum and Dad are throwing her a birthday party but it's a surprise and my parents would like if Glee Club could sing a song for Gracie and it's at Breadstix" I tell them and Mr Shue looks at me.

"Yeah" Everyone says and they all come to me, At the end of the day. I go to Gracie's school and pick her up. "Birthday Gracie!" I shout at her school and all her friends start hugging me and laughing.

"Emily!" Bradley shouts. Bradley is Gracie's boy best-friend they alway go around each other's house's. Bradley had a crush on me, Gracie told me like about when they first went around each other house.

I look at Bradley "Hey, Little B" I tell him and he smiles at me and I pick him up and spin him around, I put him down and I look at Gracie.

"Gracie, we've got a movie to watch and then go bowling" I tell Gracie and she hugs me. i grab her hand and wave bye to all her friends.

I put Gracie in the front and she sings along with 'Love you like a love song' Gracie finishes singing at we are at our house.

Inside is Mum, Dad, Gabriel, Jess, Tommy, Lucas and Jack. Gracie hugs all of them and says thank you for the birthday cards. We get changed and I look at Mum and she nods.

I get Gracie and bring her to the movie theatre. We watch Gracie's favourite movie what is Frozen.

We watch Frozen and half way through it Mum and Dad texted me telling me that they finished decorating Breadstix.

We go Bowling and I get a strike then Gracie gets a strike. At the end of the game it's about 8. And that means that they finished getting people.

Santana texted me telling me that she was there and I smiled at the text message. Gracie looked at me "what are you smiling at Emmie?" Gracie asks me.

"Nothing just a funny video" I tell Gracie. Gracie smiles at me and I take her on my back to the car.

I smile at Gracie when she screams because I ran to the car. I put Gracie in the front and I closed the door and walked around to the car.

We got to Breadstix "what are we doing here Emily?" Gracie asks me "It's for your dinner" I tell Gracie lying to her.

We go inside and the lights are offf, Gracie holds my hand and when the lights turns on "Happy Birthday!" They all scream.

Gracie gets scared and jumps on me. Everyone just laughing and coming to her. Santana look at me then gets Gracie bringing her to the stage and they all look at me.

Santana gets me on the stage as well, I go up and get my guitar, and mum, Dad and glee club smiles at me.

"Gracie, we know this is your favourite song from your T.V show, so... this is for you..." Santana tells Gracie....

Take off your mask, put down your guard
Don't need a symbol on your chest
It's all right for once to play
The damsel in distress

You're gonna use up all your strength
Trying to be so strong
Don't have to shoulder all the weight
Together we can take it on

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