Chapter 32

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In Spanish I'm next to Santana when I see Finn and Puck throwing balls at Mike.

I look on the whiteboard to see 'Regresar' "who knows what that means?" Mr Shue asks us taking out Mike's ball from his hand.

"To come back" Mr Shue says, Santana looks at me when I'm texting Brittany. I'm in the hallway walking by my self when Mike comes to me "Hey" he kisses my cheek.

"Hi" I smile at him "So I wanted to confirm our date on Friday at Colour Me Mine" Mike says and I kiss his cheek.

"Then can I have one of your t-shirts I kind of have a thing of wear my boyfriends shirts on dates" I say to him and he kisses my cheek.

"I'll give to you later, okay?" He says and I kiss him.

A flashback. I'm was walking into school when Mike was at his locker. I see Finn and I smile to him and he smile back to me.

End of flashback.

Mike gave me one of his shirts and I kissed him and said bye until I see him next in glee club. I put his shirt in my bag.

Sue takes off Finn's hat and pushes Tina into a locker, I step in front of her "Coach!" She looks at me.

She gets Lauren's book and throws them, I sigh and go towards her "Coach Calm Down".

She walks away and I see Mr Shue looking at us, I sigh and walk away. Coach Sue is in Glee, she's sitting at the back on her own.

"This cannot be happening" Tina says, "This seems like a terrible idea" Artie says.

"Guys it's not up for discussion, okay? Now it's no secret that Coach Sylvester has taken her licks.."Mr Shue says.

Santana interrupt him "I mean just wanky" I chuckle "And i believe she could use a little sympathy from us" Mr Shue says.

"Sympathy? From us? Uh-uh" Mercedes says. "Yeah. All she ever done is make our lives miserable" Quinn says, "she got exactly what she deserved" Santana says.

"You're lucky I left my blowgun at home, Airbags, cause I got a clear shot at your nonnies" Coach Sylvester says.

"Guys it's settled, Sue going to be with us for the whole week" Mr Shue says. Mike raises his hand with Sam.

"Mr Shue?" Mike and Sam says, "Oh, hey Mike and Sam, I didn't even notice your new haircut" Mr Shue says.

"Yeah. Me and Mike have been working on a new image to go with our band, The Justin Bieber Experience" Sam says while getting down to the front with Mike.

"You've got to be kidding me" Me and Quinn says at the same time, "Dude. That haircut makes your mouth look even bigger" Puck says.

"Let her speak" Coach Sue says. "Look. Laugh all you want but that kid's an epic talent, and there's a number we've been working on that we've been wanting to show off" Mike and Sam say.

"We think it qualifies as an anthem because it's hugely emotional, and sums up our generation" Sam says while Mike nods.

"All right, lets hear it, buddy" Mr Shue says to Mike and Sam.

Sam goes to the guitar with Mike..

Sam and Mike (Backgrounds Boys):
You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart

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