Chapter 22

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"Grilled cheesus?" Emily frowned as she, Finn and Santana made their way toward the choir room.

Finn nodded, gripping the strap of his backpack higher "I was making dinner last week and there he was. The face of Jesus in all his cheesy goodness. I prayed for us to win the first football game. I figured Artie was owed this one, considering God kinda screwed him over in the leg department."

Emily raised an eyebrow as the pair entered the room "So what? Because you guys won, you now believe God answered you though a sandwich?"

Finn nodded with a grin "He appears in mysterious ways."

Santana shook her head before noticing a frowning Kurt "What's up Hummel?" Emily and Santana raised an eyebrow at the boy as she took a seat beside him in the choir room.

The Hummel boy let out a sigh "My dad went off on some major trip about sacred traditions. He's mad I'm missing family dinner this week for the Sound of Music sing-a-long after missing it last week too. He just doesn't understand last week was an emergency."

"You camped out for greys anatomy dvds." Emily shot back amused.

"It was season 6." Kurt rolled his eyes "Besides you certainly weren't complaining when you came over to binge watch with me."

Emily pouted "I'm still torn up about George." She shook her head, focusing "I think he's just scared you're growing up Kurt, you know that you guys are drifting apart?"

Kurt scoffed "Well he'll have to get used to it."

"You're lucky to have a dad like Burt," Emily reminded him softly "don't take him for granted." Kurt stewed in silence as Emily gave Santana a peck as she sat on her other side "Hey babe." Santana grinned, tugging teasingly on her cheerio ponytail "Hey you." Once the bell rang.

Will made his way to face the students when Finn suddenly raised his hand "Mr. Schue? I have something I'd like to say." When the teacher nodded his permission, Finn stood, coming to stand beside him as he faced his peers.

"Somethin happened to me, and I can't really get into it, buts it's shaken me to my core."

"It's happening, he's coming out." Puck gasped, Emily slaps puck head from behind "Shut up!"

"Yes," Finn agreed and Rachel and Kurt choked "there is a man who's sort of recently come into my life."

"Ay dios mio." Emily muttered, rubbing her temple.

Finn took a deep breath "That man is Jesus Christ".

"That's way worse." Puck exclaimed, shaking his head.

Will shot the boy a warning look as Finn ignored him "I know there's others he that dig him to. So I though maybe this week we could pay tribute to Him in music, you know pay tribute to Jesus."

"Sorry," Kurt laughed in disbelief "but if I wanted to sing about Jesus, I'd go to church and the reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people, or women, or science."

"I don't see anything wrong with gettin' a little church up in here." Mercedes grinned.

"I agree." Quinn nodded "I've had a really hard year and I turned to God a lot for help. I for one wouldn't mind saying thanks."

"Thanks for what?" Santana scoffed

"That it didn't come out a lizard baby." Brittany frowned "Whenever I pray I fall asleep."

"Well guys, maybe our song selections don't have to be about Jesus," Will looked to Finn "we could do songs about spirituality." Finn frowned as he spotted Puck rolling his eyes "You got a problem with Jesus?"

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