Chapter 14

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I walk in the hallway by myself, I walk into the choir room while passing Santana and Brittany, I smirk at them and they follow me to the choir room.

In the choir room, is Kurt, Finn, Matt, Mercedes and Tina also Artie, I walk closer to Kurt, he has a laptop on his lap with 'Physical', Rachel and Jesse walk in "Don't tell me that you've found the YouTube video when I fell" Rachel says and I roll my eyes "Not everything is about you Rachel" I say.

Rachel and Jesse sit behind me, San and Britt and we start laughing, Jesse smirks "That's Olivia newton-Johns 'Physical'. It was pretty groundbreaking at the time considering its depiction of fluid sexuality".

Finn gets the laptop from Kurt's lap and says something about if gets up to 1000-1200 views and he gives 10 bucks but is stop him"I bet it can get 1200 views by lunch, if it does you have to give me 20 bucks".

Finn and I shake hands, and I smirk to San and Britt. Jesse smiles at me and I chuckle and Rachel just sends me a glare.

I'm in the choir room with glee club and My 20 Bucks because by Lunch time the video was up to 1200 views.

Mr Shue is telling us that we are getting bad rep because of coach sue's video. I am standing with Puck and Mike near the piano. Mr Shue looks at me "Did you do this Emily?" Mr Shue asks me.

"I'd never do something like this" I say while "I don't even know about the freaking list until you told us" I tell Mr Shue and they all look at Puck. "I didn't do it, I own that but I'm not a liar, I know I like throwing dweebs into the dumpster but I'd never do something like this?" Puck says and I nod and he smiles towards me.

I take the Glee List to see my name 2 with 34+ points next to it. "What does the added points mean?" I ask them. "Because Dancers and Cheerios are sexy" Santana tells me when she comes to me taking me to the piano.

Mr Shue hands us paper with 'Ice Ice baby' and Jesse says "This songs should be arrested for the crime of sucking" we all chuckle "you wanna bet?" Mr Shue says...

Ice, ice baby starts playing and Mr Shue comes to me, Puck and Mike and grabs our hands and brings us in the middle of the room, dancing with him, then he gets Santana and Brittany and Louis also Amelia, Mason (People I added) then Jesse and Rachel, Tina grabs Finn's hand, Lexi grabs Jack's hand,  Mr Shue gets Izzy up, Mr Shue goes to Quinn, Kurt and Matt also Mercedes, Jake, Jess and Daniel.

We start to have a dance off but Artie is left out so I go to him and sit on his lap, I dance with him on his wheelchair and he smiles at me.

"This song is officially paroled" Mr Shue says and we cheer.

Everyone had left well expect for me, Artie, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina and Britt, Me and Brittany were in here because Brittany took to many antibiotics and couldn't leave the room, so I just stayed with her.

They were talking about bad reputation and Artie pointed to us "Why are they still here?" I sigh "Because Brittany took to many antibiotics and doesn't now know how to leave the room so I just stayed with her".

They nod "Well you guys can be in this song as well, if you want?" Mercedes says and I nod for Brittany and me.


We are now in the library and with ur costumes Artie starts playing the song and we dance to it, 'Can't touch this'.

The song stops and the librarian comes to us "You guys are so cute" and says stuff about her church group.

Mr Shue is criticising all of us about putting up the Glist. "Mr Shue, I didn't do it" I tell Mr Shue "I understand why you would do it, you hate Quinn for some weird reason and you never liked Rachel" Mr Shue says to me.

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