Chapter 20

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"You sure you good?" Khalil asked me while I walked to class. He factimed me while he was at lunch. Him and my whole family freaked out when they found out what happened. 

"Yes, I'm fine. You know I would still be in bed if I wasn't." I answered.

"Who is that? Is that my baby Kellcey?" one of Khalil's friends appeared on the screen.

"Nigga if you don't move ya thirsty ass on somewhere." Khalil pushed him back. They started going back and forth until I raised my to get Khalil's attention.

"I gotta get to class. Have a good day and stay outta trouble." I told him before I hung up.


"Um, excuse me." Made me stop walking and turn around. 

That's when I saw this fine piece of man standing right behind me.

"I was wondering if you knew where the library was. I just transferred here and I kinda don't know where I'm going." he chuckled.

"Yeah, no problem." I nodded my head and we started walking together.

"I'm Derrick by the way." he suck out his hand.

"Kellcey." I shook it and returned the smile.

"What made you decide transfer in the middle of the semester?" I asked as we walked.

"Well, my girl has been having a hard time here and I just felt like I should be closer to her." he shrugged.

"Understandable. What year are you?" 

"Third year, what about you?" we continued to walk to the library.

"Second but I almost have enough credits to be considered a third year student." we continued to talk until we reached the library.

"Well, here's your stop. Let me know if you need anything else Derrick."

"Thanks Kellcey." he walked away.

"Damn." I mumbled as I stared at his back.

That was truly a fine black man


I hummed as I put the new clothes on display. It was a slow day at work but I didn't mind because I didn't feel like talking. I was now 3 months pregnant and falling more in love with my baby bump everyday. 

In a few days I'll be finding out what I am having exactly and I can't wait. I don't care about the gender as long as I have a healthy baby.

Me and Major have been doing okay. He sometimes misses my doctor appointments and doesn't answer his phone.

I think it's because of Dani but that's no excuse to ignore me.

"Look at Auntie's poo." Anika walked in and talked to my stomach.

"Hello to you too." I said.

"My bad, I'm just really excited." She gave me hug.

"I didn't know you worked today."

"I don't, I just had to come to the mall for something so I figured I'd stop in." Nika told me and placed her hand on my stomach.

I forgot to mention that I had moved into my apartment and Nika is there almost everyday but I don't mind, I like the company.

"Well since you're here, you wanna get me some food." I smiled.

"Fine, what do you want?" she groaned.

"I'm done for whatever, just make sure it's good." I gave her a hug. "Thank youuu. You're the best."

"I know, I know. I'll be back in a little bit." she soon left.

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