Chapter 33

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"I'm excited that you're moving down here for a little bit, even though I wish it was under better circumstances." I told Kellcey as I helped her unpack. It's been three days since she's been in the hospital and the guys decided it would be best if she moved down here as soon as possible.

"Yeah, it'll be a nice break from everything but I am not happy about living with my brother again." she rolled her eyes. She was staying with Aaron since no one wanted her to live by herself with the twins.

"It won't be that bad, at least you can be around your family more. Plus the twins can spend more time with the Aunty Faith." I tried to look at the positive. I know it was probably going to be hard for Kellcey since Aaron is very strict and protective but she's used to it.

"Who got you over there smiling?" I raised my eyebrows when I noticed her staring at her phone with this big grin on her face. "Let me guess, it's Major?"

"No, Shane." she put her phone done and kept unpacking.

"He's still in the picture?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was surprised that he texted me after Major threatened to beat his ass." she chuckled.

"Don't you think you have too much going on in your life right now to try to start a relationship?" She was just in the hospital a few days ago because she got jumped and now she was worried about some other guy.

"We're just building a friendship, I don't want anything serious right now anyways." she shrugged.

"Okay..." I wasn't going to say anything else about it. "Where are the twins?" I changed the subject.

"With Major, he wanted to spend some more time with them since this is his last day here until next week." she answered.

"Okay, well give them my kisses and tell Major I said hi because I have to be at work in a few."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No thanks, I'm okay." I told her right when Donna texted me saying that she was here. "I'll see you later." I gave her a hug before leaving.

"Thanks for picking me up." I told Donna when I got in her car.

"Girl, you know it's no big deal." she waved me off. "So Darius has been asking about you." she raised her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to be mean to him Donna but how many times do I have to tell him that I'm not interested?" I sighed. Ever since I promised him a date he won't leave me alone.

"I tried telling him to back off but he thinks you're just playing hard to get." Donna told me. "I think you should tell your boo thang about it."

"Why? Darius just has a crush on me, it's not that serious and I don't want to cause any drama at work." it was true. I liked my job and the people I worked so I knew telling Ced about Darius would just cause unecessary drama especially since I know how protective he can be.

"Whatever you say Faith but you need to not be so nice about it and just tell him you gotta man."

"I will, I just hate being mean." I groaned.

"You gotta be nice for what to these niggas? I understand, you gotta hunnid bands.You got a baby Benz." she finished rapping the verse before getting serious again. "I'm sorry that's just my song but for real, you don't owe him shit and once you told him to chill he should've done that."

"True." I nodded my head.

"Okay now, I have to turn that song on cause I'm in the mood for it." she turned on the song before turning up the radio and we both go into the zone.

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