Typical High School

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**Hi guys. I hope for the ones that enjoyed chapter 1 will enjoy chapter 2. Dwight is in this one a lot more. Please remember it is my first story and I'm working my hardest to make it as best as I can. Hope you enjoy. xoxo

One Month Later

**Jasmine's POV**
          It's been a month since I've been here in Virginia. I've fallen in love with this place. The only thing I cannot stand is my high school. The only person I can stand there is Dwight and he barely comes to school. I'm lucky if I see him twice a week. As I'm sitting here in my room I hear my mom and dad holler for me to come down stairs. The hairs on my arms stand up and fear creeps up into me. They hollered for me with fear and worry in their voices. I get off my bed and run down stairs nearly falling down the stairs.
"Mom, dad, what's wrong?" I ask them with worry.
"Sweetheart, your uncle Nick is in the hospital. He was in a car accident." My mother tells me, worried
I never liked my uncle Nick. He always made me feel uncomfortable. He was always either high or drunk... and it made me uncomfortable being near him. So the fact my mother just told me he was in a car accident, isn't a surprise to me.
"Your dad and I are going to Cali to check on him. He's in bad shape." She tells me.
Then I realized I'm going to be alone.
"Wait! What about me?" I ask them both.
"Sweetheart, I think you can take care of yourself. We love you." She tells me and her and dad just walk right out the front door.
I'm left standing in the living room. I remember tomorrow is school and decide to crash early. No pun intended I thought to myself. I walk upstairs and take a quick shower and head off to bed. Sleeping my first time alone in the new house.

          I wake up to my alarm blaring into my ear.
"Oh shut the fuck up." I say to my alarm clock. I get up and do the normal routine. I decide to wear a blue t-shirt with blue jeans and snickers. I go down stairs and jump into the car. I sit in my driveway for a minute. Debating if I should go to school. On one hand, I should go to school, but on the other hand my parents aren't home so maybe they won't find out. I sit there, holding onto the steering wheel. I decide to go, because there's a possibility of Dwight coming today and I always have a blast when he's around. As I pull up my parking spot, I spot his pick up. I smile to myself, not even realizing I am. I get out and head for the door. It's kind of like walking into hell once you open those doors. Instead of demons, it's high schoolers. Which we all know can be way worse. I pass some girls who snicker and laugh as I walk by. They make fun because I hang around Dwight. They can have their jocks. I'll stick with Dwight. As I reach my locker I notice a familiar blonde haired, blue-eyed guy standing there.
"Well hello there. It's nice to see you again." I say to him, startling him.
"Well hello new girl. Never thought someone would be happy to see me." He says as he's hugging me.
He always smells so good and his hugs are so comforting.
"Well I'll always be happy to see you." I say with a smile.
I grab my books from the locker and he immediately grabs them and starts running with them. I didn't have time to lock my locker, as I start running after him. He winds up going out the back door of the school and I freak out.
"Dwight! Mrs. Lola will freak if I don't show up. She gets on to people just for being one second late." I say. Waiting for a response, and I don't get a reply.
"Dammit Dwight. You get me in trouble and when my parents get back they'll kill me." I say louder this time, actually outside. I'm out of breath and I hear him laughing. I look to my left and I see a smirk on his face.
"Why the hell did you take off with my books you, asshole?" I ask him laughing.
"Wanted to get you outside." He says.
"Why?" I ask confused.
He starts shifting around in his area and now I'm nervous.
"I'm... I wanted... to know if you wanted to go out to grab something to eat tonight?" He asks me. Nervous as hell.
"It's just my job let me work over a hell of a lot this week and I have some available cash. I mean you don't have to, you know if you don't want to." He tells me.
I can't help, but smile. He's trying and that's all I ever ask of anyone.
"Of course. I would love to. My parents are out in Cali right now, so yeah. Definitely." I tell him. Moving my feet around in the dirt.
"I mean it's not going to be nothing fancy. Just like maybe a fast food place. If that's fine with you." He says. I think he's ashamed he can't take me to a five star restaurant.
"Dwight. I would love to go get a burger and some fries with you." I say looking him straight into his eyes.
"Ok. Well how about I pick you up today, like six?" He asks.
"That's perfect. I'll give you my address." I tell him grabbing a book from him and ripping a corner out of my math book. I give him my address and grab the rest of my books and head to Mrs. Lola's class.
I stop at her door. Knowing I'm late and knowing she's about to lose her cool.
"Young lady! Where have you been? Your five minutes late!" She says acting like she's a bad bitch.
I went to answer, but someone else did. Someone I can't stand. Sherry. She's always talking bad about me and my family. Never shutting up.
"She was out back. Probably getting a little you know what from Dwight." She says with a smile on her face.
"Get in your seat now!" Mrs. Lola screams at me.
I take my seat and give Sherry the stink eye. She honestly makes me want to get in my car and drive out of here.

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