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**Daryl's POV**

          Jesus and I finally arrived at the Hilltop. After I parked my bike in the back, I went back up front and saw Maggie and Sasha. Maggie ran to me and hugged me. "Daryl... thank God." Maggie says to me. I hug her back.

          "Where is Jasmine?" Sasha asks from behind Maggie. I looked at her and frown. "She left." said to Sasha. Maggie pulls away from me and looks at me in shock. "She left? Where did she go?" Maggie asks me. I just shake my head.

          "How could she just leave?" Sasha ask me. I knew why she left and I hated everyone, even myself because of it. She felt as if everyone hated her for what happened at the clearing... and for how I looked at her when I found out her and Negan got married and had sex with him.

          "Listen... you gotta place I can shower?" I ask Maggie. She nods her head and points in the direction of the showers.

          After the shower, I heard Maggie holler for Enid and Sasha. I slowly walked out and saw Rick, Michonne, Carl, Tara and Rosita. Rick saw me and he walked to me. We looked at each other for a moment before we hugged. After we pulled away I hugged Tara and Michonne. "Where is Jasmine?" I heard Carl ask.

          I looked back at him and then at everyone else. "She got me out... then she took off." I said to everyone. Some people were confused, some were shocked and some were pissed. "She just took off?" Rick asked me. I nodded my head. "Why would she do that? We are her family?" Rick asked me. I felt my blood boil. Jasmine is like a sister to me and it bothers me that everyone, including myself made her feel like a piece of shit.

          "Are we? You allowed Negan to take her back at the clearing after Glenn and Abraham." I felt Maggie tense at the name of her late husband. "I made her feel like shit when I heard she married Negan and had sex with him." I said to everyone. "She married him? She fucked him?" Michonne asked me with anger in her voice. "For me. If she didn't marry him and have sex with him, he would have killed me. Probably others." I said to everyone around.

          "None of us had any right to make her feel the way she did and yet, we all made her feel like she was a traitor. I'm pissed at her for leaving, but I get why she did. I probably would have done the same thing." I said. Jasmine needed to know that all of us loved her. "I'm gonna go track her." I said. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "The hell you are." Rick said to me. I shook my head. "I have to. She saved me... now I need to save her." I said.

          "You can't. If Negan catches you, he'll kill you and if he catches Jasmine and we are the only ones that are able to save her, then we'll need you." Rick said to me. I looked down at the ground. "I can't just leave her out there." I said.

          "How would we even know if he has her or not?" Rosita asks. I heard Jesus pull something out of his back pocket. It's a walkie. "It's long distance and one of theirs. If they get her, we will know." Jesus says. I looked at Rick and shake my head. "All right." I said.


           I had been walking for a little over a day. For a minute, I thought I was lost until I saw a yellow house. I smiled at it. "God I really hope this is the house he was talking about." I say to myself. "I grabbed my knife and killed two walkers that were near the house. I opened the front door and saw glass everywhere. Hell there were things everywhere. My guard was really high at this point, so I was not letting it down until I knew this house was safe.

          After sweeping through the entire house, I didn't find any walkers or people. I went to the front door and made sure that nothing could come through it without me opening it. I started walking towards the kitchen when I stepped on a picture frame. I leaned over and picked it up. I turned it over and saw it was Dwight and Sherry. The only picture of Dwight I had was the one I took when my mom kicked me out. I had that picture for a long time, but when The Governor attacked the prison the group and I were staying at, I lost it.

            I smiled at the picture. He looks so happy in it. I can't really remember the last time I saw Dwight actually smiling. It's been that long. I put the picture on a near by shelf and went into the kitchen. I put my bag down and pulled out some canned foods and some water that I had stolen at the sanctuary.

          I sat down in a chair and started eating. I had given Daryl more food and water than myself because I'm sure Negan wiped them completely out.

          After I had eaten, I decided to look around the house. Dwight's house. I went through every room and felt my heart break. This should have been him and I. The way it was supposed to always be. Then my mom had to go and screw everything up. I have always wondered why she actually did what she did. Why knowing I was pregnant caused her to kick me out. I suppose these are questions that will never get answered.

          I had made it to their bedroom. I looked around and saw things everywhere. I'm guessing from looters. I sat down on the bed and let out a sigh. "This was supposed to be us." I said to myself. I started crying and at first I tried to stop them, but eventually won. I ended up crying all through the night. Once I stopped crying, I had finally fallen asleep on the bed.

         When I opened my eyes next, there was sunlight trying to come through. I blocked it with my hand and turned over. I was now facing the wall and I felt like crying again. Everything from yesterday hitting me again, but I didn't have time to cry. Not right now. I needed to get up and try to secure this place. Dwight may never show up, or Negan as his crew might show up. So I at least want to make this place secure until I moved on.

          I got up and went into the bathroom. There wasn't any running water, but I still wanted to brush my teeth. I grabbed a water bottle and my toothbrush and tooth paste and went into the bathroom.

          After spending about what felt like thirty minutes brushing my teeth, I went back into the kitchen and got some food and ate. I was eating some green beans and I mean I like them, but it would be nice to have some actually good green beans. "I would do anything for some ice cream right now." I said to myself.

          I was done eating and I was on my way outside to fortify the place when I heard a motorcycle driving closer to my area. Panic ran through me. I made sure the door was secured. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my bag and made sure to hide any evidence that I had been here within these last twenty-four hours. I ran into the bedroom and threw my bag under the bed along with myself.

           I bike had finally stopped in front of the house. It could be Dwight, saviors, strangers or maybe even Daryl. I'm just hoping it is Dwight. I could hear some walkers around the house and I could also hear someone killing them. I closed my eyes and kept my knife in front of me in case I'm seen.

           I was shaking with fear and adrenaline. I heard someone trying to turn the door knob, but I didn't bother moving from my position. "Jas... you here?" I heard the best voice ask me. I smiled at his voice. I got up from my position and went to the front door and removed the rope.

          I opened it up to be met with the most beautiful person I knew. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I brought beer and pretzels." Dwight says to me. I smile at him and I jump up and cling to him. I wrapped my legs and arms around him and let some tears fall. I felt Dwight wrap his arms around me and kiss the side of my face. "How about we get inside. I don't want a walker biting my ass out here." Dwight says to me. I jump down and smile at him.

           The world may be shitty right now... but I would be lying if this doesn't make everything better.

I hope you like this chapter. I put the Daryl POV, because I felt it was necessary. Hope you did too. If not, that's fine. Please don't forget to vote and leave feedback.

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