Stabbing Memories

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          It has been about thirty minutes since Cole was born. Negan's hands are covered in blood and there's now puke in the corner of the cell. Negan couldn't handle the placenta.

          My son was here and walkers are pressed up against the bars of the cell. "Negan? The hell we gonna do? I don't want my son to die here?" I say. Negan looks at me and shakes his head. "He won't. Neither of you will." Negan says to me.

          "You just gonna make sure we live because you want us to or because Daryl said he would kill you?" I ask Negan. Negan looks at the walkers and chuckles. "A bit of both, perhaps." Negan says.

           I look down at my son who is nursing. I let out a sigh at how beautiful he is. The the negative thoughts start flooding my thoughts. What if Dwight is dead? What if my dad is dead? What if there is no one left and Negan, Cole and I are trapped down here?

         Negan must have noticed my facial expressions change. "Hey." Negan says as he walks over to me and Cole. "Stop. Those thoughts aren't helping anybody. You both will get out of here. I promise you." Negan says to me. I look into his eyes and for the first time in a long time, I actually believe him. I nod my head at him and turn my attention back to my son.

          I grabbed his little hand and smiled when he used all his strength and wrapped his fingers around my index finger. I feel a tear run down my face. Not bothering to wipe it away.

           "You're gonna get out of here and you're gonna meet your daddy. Oh, he's gonna be so excited." I say to my little boy.


           **DWIGHT'S POV**

           "How excited are you?" I hear Jasmine's father ask me. I turn around and smile at him. "I'm so excited that I finally get the chance to be a father." I say to him.

          "It's fun, it's boring and most of all it's... scary." He says to me. I focus on him and his words. "There's gonna be moments you succeed, moments you fail... and in the end. You will grow to love those moments. Especially if your child grows up like my daughter." Jasmine's father says to me. I smile at him and continue with the garden.

          It wasn't too long after that conversation when walkers started flooding Alexandria. I immediately threw the shovel down and grabbed my knives. "We need to get to Jasmine." I yell out to her father. I turn and see him nodding at me.

          Just as we were both about to run, we hear someone scream. We both turn and look and see a Alexandrian on the ground screaming out in pain from a walker that has her pinned to the ground and is ripping her apart. I stab a walker that was getting close.

           We both turned around and were about to run towards the infirmary when a group of walkers cut us off and forced us to head in the opposite direction. "Shit." I exclaim loudly.

           Both Jasmine's father and I were killing walkers left and right. Blood covering the both of us. With walkers surrounding us, we both have our backs against a house of Alexandria.

          For a moment, I thought we were both going to die here, with our backs against a house.

          Every stab I do, visions of Jasmine pop into my brain. More like memories. Memories of her smiling, laughing, our first night together. All of it. All those beautiful memories.

           I was about to stab another walkers when a arrow went through the eye socket. I immediately knew who it was. I give him a nod and watch as him and Maggie and a few other residents come and start helping us with this bunch of walkers.

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