Lips Collide

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          It's been about 5 months since I killed those Saviors at the Sanctuary. Dwight and I have mainly been helping out around Hilltop. At the moment, it's winter, so food is low.

          I was standing in the main house in Hilltop when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Maggie with her baby bump. I smile at her and walk over to her. "How are both of you doing? You know what the baby is yet?" I ask Maggie. Maggie shakes her head with excitement. "I wanna wait. My daddy always told me that when my mom was pregnant with me, they both waited. They wanted me to be a surprise." Maggie told me. I smile at her. Then all the sudden I see Maggie's face go from excitement to surprise. She jolts and grabs her stomach.

          I rush to her and start to panic. "Mags? You okay? What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks up at me with a smile and I shake my head in confusion. "The baby just moved. Oh! It just moved." Maggie says to me with a huge grin on her face. I smile at her and look down at her stomach. Knowing that Glenn is still living somewhat always makes me smile.

           Then I remember that one day this child will probably hear the story about how their father died. Knowing that I could have saved him if I had just spoken up. I look back up into Maggie's eyes and give her a fake smile before walking away. Maggie must have noticed my fake smile and walked up to me. She lightly touches my arm before standing next to me. "What's on your mind?" Maggie asks me. I look over at her and shake my head. I hear Maggie give me a playful scoff. "Something is definitely on your mind. What is it?" Maggie asks me. I look outside the window, watching the snow fall on the ground and watching Dwight help a fellow Hilltopper with some things.

          "Dwight and I. We want to have more children together. We've been talking about it. But... lately every time he wants to talk about having a baby together, I change the subject and I think he is starting to notice." I say to Maggie. I see Maggie shift next to me.

          "Why are you changing the subject?" Maggie asks me. I take a deep breath. "Because of Glenn. Because of my first son. Because of the world. I failed my son and this world is evil and cruel. And then there is Glenn... I got him killed, Maggie. You can say I didn't but I did. I should have spoken up. Saved him." I say to Maggie. Maggie quickly gets closer to me and turns my body to face her. "I hated you at first. Blamed you. Then I didn't. You know why? Because no matter you did exactly what me, Rick, Michonne and every damn person in that line-up would have done. I mean... family doesn't pick family to die." Maggie says to me.

           I looked into her eyes and looked back out the window. I let out a laugh when I saw Dwight slip. "Oh, God." I say. I hear Maggie chuckle beside me. "I better go check on him." I say to Maggie. I tighten my jacket around my body and walked outside. The cold, crisp air hitting my face like needles. Thankfully, the snow isn't sticking, but the ground was just mud. I walked up to Dwight and touched his back. He slightly jumped from my touch. "You okay?" I ask him. He smiles at me and nods his head at me. "I'm good. All this damn mud." Dwight says to me. I chuckle at him. I grab his hand and lightly squeeze it. Dwight looks down at our hands together and smiles. "Listen... let me help Shaun out with the rest of this and the I'll be in the trailer. Go get warm." Dwight says to me with a smile on his face.

          I was about to start walking away, but then we hear Kal holler out to us all. "We have company!" I put my hand on my gun and look up towards Kal. "Kal! Can you tell who it is?!" I holler up at Kal. Kal looks down at me and nods. "It's Rick and Michonne." Just those four words ruined my whole day. I haven't seen Rick or Michonne since a week after the whole Negan thing. I watch as the gates open and Michonne and Rick drive through. I hear the main house doors open and I know that Maggie and possibly Enid have joined us. Rick and Michonne get out of their car and walk towards us.

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