The Plan to Escape

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           "How could I forget about Carl?" I scolded myself. I started going downstairs to look for Negan. I looked around and couldn't find him or Carl. I decided to go and ask Dwight. I started speed walking back to the infirmary. I knocked on the door and heard Carson speak. "Come in." I turned the door knob and looked inside to see Dwight and Daryl were no longer in the room. "Where is Dwight?" I asked Carson. "Uh... I think he took Daryl outside for work." Carson replied to me.

          I went outside and saw Dwight pulling Daryl by his shirt. Moving him away from a truck. "Hey Dwight! Where is Carl?" I ask him. He looked at me and pointed towards the truck. I nodded my head and started running towards the truck. I got around to the passenger side and saw both Negan and Carl up front. "You takin' him home?" I ask Negan. Negan turns around and looks at me. "Well hello to you too, darlin'." Negan said to me with a wink. "Yeah, I'm taking him home. Back home to Rick." Negan said. I let out a breath and smiled. "Thank God." I said to myself.

          "So, darlin'... Is there going to be a little Negan running around?" Negan asked me. I looked over at Carl and saw his face. Full of confusion and disgust. I just shook my head. "Damn shame. Well, I guess we will just have to try again when I get back." Negan said. He hit the side of the truck and the driver started moving. I watched as multiple truck pulled out of the sanctuary. I started walking back inside.

           I was now back in my room and I was so upset. The thought of having sex with him again, turned my stomach upside down. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. I stayed like that for a while, then I opened my eyes up. "Negan is gone." I said to myself. I can get Daryl out of here. I can get out of here. I grabbed a bag and threw some things both Daryl and I would need. As I was throwing stuff into my bag, I realized I needed to make another bag for Daryl. I wouldn't be going back with him. Not to Alexandria or the Hilltop. I couldn't.

          After I had packed everything for myself and Daryl, I hid the bags under my bed and went to see Sherry. I walked past a couple of the other wives rooms, before I got to Sherry's. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard her say. I opened the door and closed it just as fast. She looked up at me with worried eyes. "Do you know where Negan keeps the keys to the bikes?" I asked Sherry. Her eyes got really big and she stood up. "Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't. He'll kill you." Sherry said. I shook my head. "I don't care. All I care about in this moment is getting Daryl out of here and getting him home. That is all I care about." I said to Sherry.

          She just stood there for a few seconds before she spoke. "The keys to Daryl's bike are in Dwight's room." Sherry said to me. I let out a sigh. "Dammit!" I said. I looked back up at Sherry and grabbed her hands. "Sherry please don't tell Negan. Please, I have to get Daryl out." I said to Sherry, pleading with her. She nodded her head. I mouthed "Thank you" to her and left the room. I went back to my room and made a plan. I was going to grab Daryl, go to Dwight's room get the key, come back to my room and get him out of here. "I really hope this goes smoothly." I said to myself.

          I was now on my way to Daryl's room. I turned the corner and bumped into Dwight. "Oh, sorry." I said. He just chuckled at himself. "It's alright. Didn't hurt me any." Dwight said to me. I looked up at him and smiled. He was always so beautiful. Even now with that scar, he is still the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I looked away from him and started to walk away. "I never loved her. Not like I loved you." I heard Dwight say behind me. I slowly turned around and looked at him. "You were my girl. You still are. I love you and only you." Dwight said to me. I didn't know what to say or do. I was shocked to say the least.

          "Sherry found me after you talked to her. I know what you're about to do." Dwight said to me. I just looked at him in shock. I wasn't sure what he was about to do. Would he tell Negan? Would he kill me? I had a thousand thoughts going through my head. Dwight walked towards me and handed me a map. "There is a house here. It's yellow. Go there. Negan won't look for you there and I'll come and check on you." Dwight said. I looked at the map and saw that the house was around an eight hour walk from here. "Here is the key to his bike and the key to his door. Don't get caught, Jas. Please don't." Dwight said to me. I reached up and grabbed his face and kissed him. It was a quick kiss, but it meant the world to me. I looked back at him one last time and started running towards Daryl's door. 

          I put the map in my back pocket and ran towards Daryl's door. I put the key through the key hole and unlocked the door. I opened it to see Daryl in the corner of the cell. Daryl looked up at me with a surprised look on his face. "Come on, Dixon. I'm getting your ass out of here." I said to Daryl. I walked into the cell and grabbed his arm and lifted him up. "Negan will kill you if he catches you." Daryl said to me. I looked over at him and smirked. "Who really gives a shit if I die right now?" I asked Daryl. I shut the door and locked it. I went over to the radio and turned on "Easy Street". "God I hate this song." Daryl said to me.

          We both started walking slowly down the halls, trying not to get caught. "If we get caught, just tell them I got out and took you hostage." Daryl said behind me. I turned around and looked at him. "Are you kidding me? So you can die? Fuck that. I'll take the blame." I said to Daryl. I grabbed his hand and started running down the hall with him. "Where are we going?" Daryl asked me. I looked down the hall and answered him. "We are going to Dwight's room to get you some clothes and then to my room to get our bags." I answered Daryl. When the hall was clear, we started running towards the other hall.

          We had finally made it to Dwight's room and Daryl and I ran in and shut the door. We could hear people outside the door talking. "Shit! Okay, we will stay here until it's clear." I said to Daryl. I turned around and saw him eating peanut butter with his fingers. I scrunched my nose in disgust, but then remembered he has been eating nothing but dog food. I went over to Daryl and grabbed the peanut butter from him. "You can eat the rest in a second. You're going to hurt your stomach. Find some pants and a shirt. Once that hall is clear, we are off to my room and then we are out of here. Okay?" Daryl just nodded at me and started looking through Dwight's clothes. I sat down on his chair and put my head in my hands.

          I saw a hat on a lamp. I grabbed it and looked at Daryl. "Here. Help disguise you." Daryl grabbed the hat and looked at me. "I'm getting you out of here. Even if that means I die trying." I said to Daryl.

         YAY! New chapter! I hope you all like this chapter. I know this chapter is a little more of a filler, but I still hope you enjoy it. Do you think the plan will go smoothly or will something happen? Please don't forget to leave feedback! Love you all xx

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