One Last Promise

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          I look down at Dwight and smile. The burnt side of his face showing. I lean down and plant a kiss on this burnt cheek. "I'll be back soon." I whisper into his ear. I straighten myself up and walk out of our room and into Cole's room.

         I tip-toe into his room and look into his crib that Dwight had made. I see that he is awake with those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me. "Hey, my beautiful boy." I say as I lean against his crib and smile down at him. I bring my hand down and let him wrap his little fingers around my index finger.

            "I hope you wake up in a good mood everyday. Not many people do. But, you, my beautiful boy... you are special." I say to Cole in a low voice. I hear the floor behind me creak. I turn around sharply and scoff when I see Dwight standing there. "How long have you been standing there?" I ask him. Dwight walks up to me and looks down at Cole. "I felt you kiss my cheek and I woke up. Decided to follow you." Dwight says to me.

          Dwight closes the space between us and wraps his arms around waist. "I know you got a big day today, but you mind spending some time with me in the bedroom?" Dwight asks me. I let out a giggle. Dwight brings his lips down to mine. I put my hands in his hair and lightly tug on.

          I pull away from Dwight and chuckle. "I know our son is about ten months old now... but I'm sure he doesn't want to watch his parents make out in front of him." I say to Dwight. Dwight looks down at our son and smiles. "Yeah... probably not." Dwight says as he scoops me up into his arms.

           I let out a yelp and look down at Dwight with a smile. I return my lips to Dwight's and we immediately move in sync with one another. Dwight gently lays me on the bed in our bedroom.

          Since I have to leave soon, Dwight and I both knew we couldn't take our time, we both quickly took off our clothes and returned to kissing one another.

           I let out a moan as Dwight enters me. Dwight quickly covers my mouth with his hand. "Our son is being kind enough to allow us to have this moment. Let's not be loud enough where he can hear us and be interested in the what is making the noise." Dwight says into my ear. I chuckle against his hand.

          Dwight brings his lips back down to mine. He gently thrusts back in and out for a few minutes. Making sure I was comfortable. I wrap my hands in his hair again. Feeling his uneven skin beneath my hand.

           "I love you." I say to Dwight in between grunts. Dwight slows up and looks me in the eyes and smiles. "I love you, too, Jas. Always and forever." Dwight says to me. I bring his lips to mine and kiss him with hunger. Dwight sped up the pace and our headboard was now hitting the wall of our bedroom. Our moans and grunts filling the room. I wrap my legs around Dwight's waist which makes him let out a moan.

           I arch my back when I feel my body shoot fireworks.

          Dwight's movements started getting sloppy and I knew that he was close. Dwight places his face in the crook of my neck as he releases himself inside me.

           Dwight and I soon after removed ourselves from one another. I quickly cleaned myself up before getting ready again. I walk out of the bedroom and head downstairs where I see Dwight feeding Cole. "Go get cleaned up. I'll watch him." I say to Dwight. Dwight smiles at me as he hands me the baby food.

          The really cool thing about a community is you figure out what you can and can't make. Baby food isn't all that hard. Especially with the right ingredients.

          "Hey, baby. I want to say thank you for letting mommy and daddy have a moment. We get so caught up with you and tired from the day that we just haven't had many of those moments lately. So thank you." I say to Cole. Cole just looks at me having no idea what I'm talking about. I give him another spoon full of the food.

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